14 Day Summer Cleanse: Day 2

I hope Day 1 went really well for everyone! I enjoyed the Blueberry Celery Smoothie a ton! My yoga time went by quickly and I had a few minutes where I even stopped thinking about how much time I had left. Yes! LoL.  Here’s Day 2…

DAY 2:

1. Daily Affirmation: ” I am accomplishing so much by committing to this goal.”

I think Day 1 was excellent, but Day 2 can present challenges. We begin to come off of our “I’m doing it!” ‘high’ and realize that we have 13 more days to go. Today, beware of the craving to eat for emotional pleasure. You know the feeling- you come home from work and want immediate satisfaction of some chips, cookies, or even “healthy things” like pita chips and reduced fat wheat thins. OR you have something awesome happen and want to eat to “celebrate.” When I get these emotional eating cravings I drink a smoothie or start eating a salad immediately to take the hunger edge off. I have also trained myself to think about the next day. Will I really be regretful tomorrow morning if I DON’T eat that piece of cake? Probably not. I will be most definitely proud of myself! It’s easier said than done, because when you’re in that moment, the craving (addiction) is so powerful! So use this affirmation today to remind yourself of your goal and how much you are accomplishing through it.

2. Today’s Menu:

Breakfast- Japanese green tea, a pear or apple

Snack- green juice- 2 cucumbers, 2 carrots, 3 leaves kale. Use juicer.

Lunch- Cortney’s Green Smoothie (1/2 red pepper, 1/2- 1 cup beans or other legume, large handful spinach or other green, 2-3 florets cauliflower, 1/4 cup broccoli sprouts, 2 carrots broken in half, 1 tomato cut in half, 1/2 avocado, 1/2 apple-optional, water as desired.) Blend in Vitamix or blender.

Snack- 2 rice cakes with almond butter or piece of fruit or veggies sticks.

Dinner- BIG salad with dressing of your choice. (1/4 red onion chopped, large handful baby greens, 1/2 chopped green pepper, 1 apple chopped, 1/4 cup soaked walnuts, 1/2 avocado, Herbamare or sea salt to taste.)

Dessert- naturally caffeine free herbal tea with stevia.

 3. Daily Questions

Did you have any “emotional craving” moments today?

If you could have created your own affirmation to help you today, how would it go?

Have you told anyone about you doing this cleanse? How did they react?

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9 thoughts on “14 Day Summer Cleanse: Day 2

  1. Wow, I dont have cancer but my fiance had a heart attack a few years ago, not due to lack of health but a blood clot tgat went the wrong way. This cleansing seems similar to my brothers raw food vegan cleance. While we dont plan to be completely vegan, we are eating organically and he wants to try joucing. I will show him some of your recipes as he wanted some healthy joucing recipes and this also hS heart healthy ingredients his dr reccomends. Adding the sweet carrot should make the jouce taste better. This seems like it could be good preventative treatment for his heart attack. His dr. makes him take liptore as preventative even though he doesnt have cholesterol but just a small dose. However he would like to also prevent the holistic way, healthy diet and joucing.In his case the cleanse may not be necessary, though he wouldnt mind trying it, as he does everything to stay healthy these days.

  2. I’m making my smoothies with quite a large over run… so, i’m using this extra as snacks. Kind of cool. Also, my wife is now going to join me on my large salad dinners so we don’t have to make 2 separate dinners… so that should help us.

  3. Day 1 went perfectly! I loved the Blueberry celery smoothie!
    Day 2 went really well until dinnetime tonight with friends. I still had a huge salad, but had 2 small pieces of lasagna. I tried really hard to refuse, but I love vegetarian lasagna too much! I’m eating my pecans that would have gone on the salad right now for dessert.
    So far the green smoothies have been kind of rough, but I am gettin through most of it!

  4. Wow today was really hard for me. I did pretty good by following the menu but I added a pear & banana for breakfast and watermelon for my afternoon snack.

    My 3 answers are: 1) cupcakes & a nice juicy burger, 2) One day at a time! 3) I’ve told a few people. Everyone(husband, son & daughter) in my house knows of course and they are used to me starting something new and NEVER finishing so they weren’t surprised. I told my sister who saw one of my green smoothies and was grossed out…hee hee.

  5. I had to cheat today with a glass of champagne to celebrate a friend’s engagement. It was a little tough to be in a restaurant with other food choices that I would LOVE to have, but I powered through and made a graceful exit!

  6. Yes, i had cravings for cooked food

    I’ve been using the one in the post. 🙂

    I’ve been telling a lot of people! I’m so thankful for everyone that’s doing it along with me!

  7. Did you have any “emotional craving” moments today? It was extremely hot in Florida today and I wanted an icee so badly! Bizarre, but there ya have it.
    If you could have created your own affirmation to help you today, how would it go? Just say no!
    Have you told anyone about you doing this cleanse? How did they react? A friend from work… She was intrigued and impressed.

    Thank you again, Cort for doing all the busy work.

  8. I have to be out and about today … made ALL my food this morning.
    changes it up a little … made the blueberry smoothie for break fast and shared with hubby, who also gulped down my leftover evening meal smoothie.

    I did weigh everything and logged it in my diet organizer … 826 calories …have not counted the snacks and the restaurant salad ( minus dressing) I will eat when going out today
    and there is a lot of food … had never in my life eaten that amount of raw veggies in a lunch … the salad is like a BIG mountain.
    My goal for this cleanse is .. XXX … is to get the mitochondria burning full speed and rev up my metabolism … my affirmation for today is … burn furnace burn … do not eat anything that offset the order of the mitochondria.
    My hubby is the only one so far … he is 100% supportive and asking how he can help.

    Have a wonderful day … with plenty of green cheers