I decided it would be helpful for anyone coming to my site seeking out information on holistic/alternative cancer treatment to know what a typical day would look like on my holistic cancer fighting regimen. It took me a while to get this comfortable and efficient with my daily schedule during that time, but eventually I was able to whiddle my daily routine down to what you see below. I’ve written about many of the elements of my cancer treatment before, so be sure to click on the links if you want to know more.
A Day in The Life:
5:15am– wake up, take Beta-1, 3D Glucan, fill tea pot with 2 cups alkaline water from my KWK Genesis water system and start chopping vegetables for smoothie. Once water boils I pour 3 oz into my Essiac tea elixir and 8 oz into a mug with a green tea bag and stevia. I cover the green tea and let the Essiac cool. Then I rebound on rebounder for 10 minutes. Shower for 5-10 minutes.
5:50- After showering and waiting 30 minutes from time of taking the Beta Glucan, I sip Essiac tea as I chop the rest of my veggies for my smoothie. (click on prior link for more efficient way of doing this that I figured out later!)
6:00- Blend Lunch: Cancer Fighting Smoothie– (1/2 bunch watercress, 1/2 bunch cilantro, 1/8 red cabbage, 5 florets caulifower, 2 carrots, 1- 4 finger pinch broccoli sprouts, 1 apple, 1/2 c sprouted lentils, 1/2 avocado, 24-28 oz alkaline water) I also pack 25 sprouted almonds for a snack with lunch. Mix veggies in 64oz container Vitamix. Pour into 2- 32 oz mason jars. Pack in lunch bag.
6:15- Breakast: “CCFO”: Make 2/3c organic Nancy’s 1% cottage cheese with 6 Tbsp Barlean’s organic flaxseed oil. Stir with spoon then blend with immersion blender. Let sit for 5 minutes.
6:25- Eat “CCFO”- (cottage cheese flaxseed oil) on couch with my nose pinched. Pray over it asking God to heal “every cell in my body and help me have the strength to eat the CCFO.” Visualized cancer cells blowing up. Read today’s daily devotional entry from “Healing in His Wings”. Pray for my specific healing and talk with God about my anxieties. Ask enthusiastically (beg!) for Him to heal me. Sip green tea in between bites.
6:55– Get dressed quickly, put makeup on if time. Take 26 caplets of various supplements- Dr.Williams Daily Advantage multi-vitamins, fish oil, Vitamin C and Green Tea Extract, Vitamin D, Selenium, Magnesium, 8 barley power tablets.
7:15- Leave for work. (I live close by- Thank God!)
7:30– Arrive in classroom, make 2nd cup of green tea, put smoothies in fridge.
8:00– School starts.
10:00- Have sprouted almonds for snack. Make a glass of filtered water with my portable Waterman filter.
11:45- Bring students to lunch, come back to room, make 3rd cup of green tea, shake smoothie to blend and dreadfully stare at it for 30 minutes (in case you were wondering- it doesn’t taste very good.)
12:10- Start first “chug” of lunch smoothie, finish first 32oz mason jar of smoothie (nose pinched if needed.)
12:15- Bring kids to recess, try to get us much sunshine/ Vitamin D as possible. A few of my girl students giggle at me as we chat around the recess field and walk briskly with my sleeves and pants rolled up to get as much sunshine and lymph moving as possible. They loved to do it with me and we felt goofy together! (That was healing also <smile>)
12:30- Drink my 3rd cup of green tea, actually get some planning done while the kids are out of the room for their French class.
2:30- School gets out! Chug the other 32 oz mason jar of lunch smoothie. Lots of planning, grading, and parent emailing to do.
4:00- Get home, make 4th cup of green tea, put 2 slices of Ezekiel bread in the toaster before I do ANYTHING else. Pour 3 Tbsp of organic olive oil, basil, oregano, sea salt, and pepper into a small container. ENJOY my favorite after school snack more than anything that day! Relax and read books about nutrition and cancer, etc.
4:45ish- Jump on rebounder for 15 minutes, sometimes go to the gym to sit in the dry sauna, sometimes take a class or just walk on the treadmill.
5:00- Start chopping veggies for my dinner. Get frustrated over what I’m going to feed my husband. Make him a delicious cooked dinner while I eat the world’s largest salad…AGAIN. (2-3 nights a week he would eat out or eat a salad WITH me so I didn’t have to torture myself with cooked food. I cooked to save money.) Read more about dealing with non-protocol following family members HERE (scroll down to bottom.)
5:30- Dinner: BIG Salad- 2 large handfuls of spinach, 1/4 red onion, 1/2 avocado, sprouted almonds, 1 chopped Roma tomato, 10 broccoli florets, 1/2 pepper, 1 handful sunflower sprouts, 1- 4 finger pinch broccoli sprouts, sprouted lentils or mung beans. Season with olive oil and lemon or apple cider vinegar.
6:15- I’m still eating my salad, decide to throw the remaining stuff in the Vitamix with some water. Chug it down.
7:00- A friend or family member calls. Have to explain to them for the millionth time that the cancer won’t take over my body overnight, I have full confidence in my body’s ability to recover, and YES- I am still seeing my oncologist who is supportive.
7:30- Have a crying moment over my friend or family member’s comment about “What if it doesn’t work?” My husband tells me that I am stronger than that and they don’t know what they’re talking about anyways. I feel better and stronger. Drink second cup of Essiac tea.
8:00- Hungry again. Eat an entire avocado with a spoon! Some days I would have a shot of wheatgrass juice with my hubby. Swallow 20 more supplements (2nd dose of ones listed in the morning.)
9:00- 5 minutes of rebounding again. Drink cucumber, carrot, kale juice. Spend 1 minute chugging the juice, spend 10 minutes cleaning the juicer.
10:00- Bedtime on my fabulous, non-toxic organic mattress from SavvyRest. (Seriously- the best bed EVER.) Sleep to restore my body and strengthen my immune system.
**For the interest of the reader I left out all of the everyday, mundane stuff such as dishes, laundry, bill paying, checking email, and also any social things that would pop up. The treatment process also evolved some. There were some treatments I had flings with but discontinued after I found out they weren’t helpful or just were too overwhelming for me. Some of these are: daily fresh juicing of wheatgrass morning and night (time consuming,) melatonin at night (unhelpful for Lymphoma patients,) twice a day enemas on the bathroom floor (time consuming and torturous,) wheatgrass enemas (time consuming, torturous, and expensive!) and possibly a few others I can’t recall right now.
There just came a point where I forgave myself for giving up these protocols and used my favorite affirmation: “I’m doing the best I can with the time I have.”
Join me tomorrow for Part 2: 5 Tips for Cancer Confidence
Wow you’re amazing. I think I have breast cancer. I did the Navarro hcg test in July and the score was 51.84. Dr Navarro said it’s most likely cancer. I also went for an ultrasound and when my Dr got it back she said it wasn’t good news and referred me to the cancer clinic but I never went. I don’t want a mammogram or a biopsy or anything else conventional. I have been on a nutritional balancing protocol for 2 years with Dr Lawrence Wilson and he told me to keep doing that but so the red meat and eggs and add in the budwig cottage cheese mixture. He increased my near infrared sauna to 1 1/2-2 hours a day a 4 1/2 hour coffee enemas. I also got a rebounder and try to get out in the sun when I can and rest a lot. Sometimes I feel very tired. My breast tissue is a lot softer and the 1st 3 weeks the tumor was really shrinking and was a lot softer. But then without knowing I wasn’t suppose to I used a cheap flax oil and yogurt instead of cottage cheese because I ran out. My tumor got a bit bigger and hardened a little. I’m back on the good stuff now but I don’t feel like it’s working the same. Not sure what I should do. It’s the week before my period and both my breast are a little firmer and sore so maybe that’s the problem not sure see how it is after next week. I’m going to try to find an oncologist who will support what I’m doing and send me for blood work to monitor it . Your so encouraging to us all. Hope your doing well.
Thank you so much Courtney for this information. I am just starting to beat cancer with theses recipes and your information along with constant prayer. I’ve been diagnosed with rectal cancer and I’ve decided against chemo radiation treatment.
Hi Cortney,
I have Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. Can you tell me exactly what pills you take and how many of each if it’s not too much trouble. I’m sure it’s a lot! Thank you so much for sharing your story.
Hi Linda- they are all listed on my How I Beat Cancer page
I ate the Budwig diet with berries mixed in with a little pineapple juice for a number of years and it wasnt bad. I didnt have cancer just for prevention. Good Luck.
I love you Cortney. You’re beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Shelby! (hugs!!)
Hi Cortney,
If you’re going to continue the CC/FO mixture, you need to make it palatable. I’ve been doing it almost every day for about 13 years. There is no way I would have continued it if I had to “gag” it down. I look forward to eating it every morning. Of course, I add berries, nuts, stevia and almond milk to make the smoothie. I adjust it to taste good. That’s the only way I’ve been able to continue it and get all the health benefits. I hate the idea of gagging down the CC/FO mixture alone.
Hope that helps.
Hi Bill, this is an older post.
I have definitely found a way to make it yummier! See my post on Budwig Chocolate Pudding.
Dear GreenDrinkDiary ( Sorry, can’t find your real name ),
I am so so grateful for your blog. I am trying to duplicate what you do. I have been on this journey for 13 months and the appearance of my right breast can scare anyone out of their breathe but HCG reviews a not so severe case and just 9 days into the FO/CC, my index came down from 52.2 to 51.8 ! Glory to God !
I would have a few question for you later, but for now, would you be so kind to answer two :
1. I notice that you don’t mention any fruit in your journey except that apple in your smoothie, is is because even fructose feeds into cancer ?
2. I have a hard time figuring what and where to buy materials for sprouting broccoli seeds and/or lentil beans. Do I have to buy two sprouting trays ? One for seeds and one for beans ? Does Walmart have it or should I buy expensive ones from Sprouting People ? Help !
3. I can’t find your post on the 14 days detox, where is it ?
4. Do you need to have your root canals and mercury filled teeth deal with ? I am trying to see if I can beat this cancer without having to lose my two front teeth ! ( Jesus helps ! )
5. Also, you mentioned Vitamin C and Green Tea. Is it Liposmal Vitamin C or the Vitamin C in the Daily Advantage ? You also mention Selenium and Magnesium, are they extra on top of the Daily Advantage ?
I am so proud of you. Working even going through treatment !
Hi Iris! That’s wonderful about your hcG dropping. Just continue to test every 8 weeks to get an accurate idea of how your protocol is working. Remember, it’s a trending test, so look for the numbers to go down or stay the same. If it goes up even a little bit, be conscious of what you are doing and you may need reevaluate your protocol.
Here’s some answers to your questions…
There are varying opinions about the fruit and cancer relationship- I just stayed mostly clear of it mostly to focus on nutrient dense vegetables and clear myself of sugar addiction.
I just used a jar with mesh on the top (you could also use panty hose or cheese cloth. I would wash the mung or lentils quickly in the jar, drain, then fill with water and soak overnight, rinse them off the next morning, and allow for them to lean up against something upside down with the mesh being the only thing to stop them from dumping out. Then rinse them each morning and night until they sprout. Nothing complicated!
14 Day Detox HERE:
I did NOT get my root canal removed (it’s a long story but I found out I was pregnant the weekend before I had my removal appointment- I had even already had my preliminary visit!) So it’s not necessary, but I think some people find their cancer is stubborn until they get their dental stuff taken care of.
Yes- MAgnesium, Vit C, and Selenium in addition to the DV.
I love your story and it’s very inspiring. I unfortunately did chemo once I was diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer Jan 2014. I wasn’t educated enough to NOT to, and did what I thought was the best at that time. Now, a year and half later I’m still fighting the cancer that spread to the nodes in my chest and now in my lungs. NOW I’m seriously refusing anymore chemo because it’s obviously NOT working and something inside me says enough!
I’ve been researching myself for an alternative. I can’t afford to see a naturapathic or homeopathic and am relying on myself to figure this out SAFELY. I have been eating greens, raw foods and organic meats which I believe is how I put my lymphnode cancer in remission, but then the holidays rolled around and I cheated eating sugar and eating out (not fast foods) at restaurants and my last pet in. Jan 2015 shows the cancer is now in my lungs. But the lymphnode a are still in remission…hmmmmm
Here’s the thing….I feel good, I’m not in pain and have a lot of faith that God will find a way for me and I will beat my cancer if I put my mind to it. I am so confused with the alakline diet because one chart contradicts the other, but I think I know what to eat or not except for fruits. Some fruits are more sugary than others and I have no idea what to eat or not eat. The one thing that concerns me the most is detoxing. I have done chemo for a year an a half so ALL these toxins are logged in my body. How would I safely detox? My other issue is, I can not swallow pills, can the supplements be opened and put into a green drink. I am not eating sugar anymore, nothing with yeast, no animal and I even cut out dairy. I don’t have anyone that can help me research, my husband is not the reader in our family but he takes care of me in every other way. My family is supportive but not enough to really get involved in research…they all work and have their own families to care for. So I’m reaching out to anyone that has been through or is going through what I am. People don’t understand how we can feel great one day and cry the next, the feeling of being alone, even though we are not. For me I just want to connect with the right person that can share and give me advise. Research is stressful and the minute I think I’ve got it, I find something else.. It feels like I keep starting all over again, it’s frustrating and I just want to scream, cry, and punch something.
I’m a strong person and refuse to give up even though my Doctor says it’s terminal. I believe in God and know he can heal and guide me, but I also know I need to do my part. If you can suggest how I should approach detox would be fabuloiuos. And supplements, I’ve checked out Sunwarriors and Robert Youngs Ph Green drinks. His green drinks are a detox and says to start slow but of course doesn’t say if you’ve done chemo don’t do the recommended dosage start with a quarter dose. Whatever you can share will be helpful.
Never giving Up
wow thanks for this! I’ve always wondered the specifics and you have definitely answered them. God bless!
Couple questions:
1. What is Essiac elixir? Is that different than Essiac tea?
2. Why is the smoothie above different than your typical green drink smoothie recipe?
Love your site. Thanks for the help
Amazing! This is quite detailed. I know many cancer patients who are undergoing Alternative Cancer Treatments would find your posts very useful!
Thanks Cailyn! Feel free to share with whomever will listen. (:
WOW!!! Im fighting cancer and i must say reading your blog makes me feel like I’m not doing enough. I certainly don’t take that many supplements. Its so tough and soooooo expensive. Im actually at the doorway of having a double mastectomy due to a reoccurrence. I plan to continue naturally though. Its hard work.
Don’t give up, The Lord is carrying you right now. I had a mastectomy and since then the cancer spread to my lymph nodes in the center of my chest and now to my lungs. I have done chemo for a year and a half and now wished I hadn’t. I wasn’t educated like I am now. I don take any supplements but feel I need to, since I am only eating vegtables. Trying to figure out which ones is a whole other story. I can’t swallow pills, pills and me don’t get along, but have found other green drinks and or powdered supplements that other people have tried and said they liked it. But they didn’t have cancer and hadn’t gone through chemo either. Detoxing can be very serious if done too quickly.
I like this site as well and hope to connect with more people, like us. I am terminal and refuse to give up. I feel good and want to take this time to try alternative medicine now. I feel with The Lord on my side, anything is possible. So you hold your head high, keep a positive attitude and don’t ever give up!
God bless
Thank you very much for sharing your story in so many details. That is what we all need. I have been fighting breast cancer with a raw food and it is so good knowing that it is OK feeling tired sometimes. I hope I will let you know soon that I win
Thank you very much for everything
hi recently i fond lump in my brest doctor did altraound and mamogram now they said go for biopsy but i dont and find a way of altetnative
i am 24 years old and no family history of cancer and dont know what to do can someone help me completely
Thank you very much for sharing your story in so many details. That is what we need. I´ve been dealing with a breast cancer and have been on a strictly raw food diet, but it´s easier knowing that someone did the same. It is easier when you know that you are not the only one who thinks that it is sometimes too much.
Thank you
Courtney, thank you so much for your informative and inspirational blog. I was diagnosed a few weeks ago with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. I started my research of alternative therapies on Monday February 24th. Your blog resonated with me so much that I was eating a raw vegan diet and the Budwig Protocol that day. I was able to get %100 on the Bill Henderson/Cortney Campbell protocol by Monday March 3rd (just 7 days after starting my research). 10 official days in and I feel great and I am confident that I am going to beat this thing naturally.
My one regret is how small this “healed cancer naturally” community appears to be. Despite being lucky enough to have a loving wife, kids, and parents that support me, I am starting to feel a bit lonely and isolated. There is so much to be done and I am focused like a laser. I could really use an online community with success stories and people discussing how they are just beginning the program. 8,000 Americans will get lymphoma this year and I feel like I might be the only one that attempts to heal naturally. Or if someone else does they won’t discuss it online. I am very thankful for all the comments on your site. I have read most of them twice.
Hi Jason,
I was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma late May of this year. I wish I would have known where and what to research & came across Courtney’s blog sooner– I ended up having one round of ABVD chemotherapy… and this poison was a HORRIBLE experience. Luckily with the support of my husband and family, I too have now been working almost three weeks to naturally heal my cancer. Every night I watch some Netflix documentary that coincides with healing cancer with food, which adds fuel to my fire to drink as many green smoothies as I can. To hear success stories of people who have been “cured” without chemo or a laundry list of pharmaceuticals also gives me the confidence to continue on naturally. Right now my main struggle is finding an oncologist or even a naturopathic doctor in my area to be supportive of my decision. Anyway I love your idea of an online community. Before I found this blog I could not find one single success story of anyone with Hodgkins Lymphoma. As you know, this is a semi-rare cancer only making up 1% of US cancer diagnoses. It is also very fast growing so many doctors are not with the “wait and see approach” when it comes to us. I’d love to connect, share stories & hear about your progress!
You are not alone
Hi Janice –
How is it going with your treatment? I have HL also, looking to do the natural therapy, but I’m curious if it works and what life looks like post-cancer. Would love to hear how you’re doing!
Hi Amanda- doing great 7 years later. Eating pretty much about 75% of what I ate when I had cancer and just had my 3rd baby. Would love to hear what you decided for treatment. No matter which treatment, overhauling your diet and taking care of yourself is a must!
I am also diagnosed with HL, actually the same as Courtney that is NLPHL.
I am on a wait and watch so while waiting I am trying to do more holistic approach. Not sure if this is enough but doing CCFO, veggie juices, vitamins and avoiding all processed food.
It is almost impossible to share your holistic approach with other cancer patients or even doctors, I wish we have a bigger community.
Jazmin- check out my page on Holistic Community:
I just diagnos with cancer below my small intestine stage4 is anything that I can do I just found your web site
Cadie, who posted above, passed away two days ago. She tried everything holistic and was passionate about finding something alternative that would save her (as her post shows). She was as fierce a fighter as there ever was but cancer proved too much. She died less than two years from her diagnosis, her daughter is 7.
Hi Elizabeth- I am so, so saddened to hear this. That is one thing that we all know for sure, whether choosing a holistic route or conventional. We are not in control. I wish I could have know Cadie. She seemed like a really lovely person, and I will be praying for her daughter and family. Thank you for letting me know.
Hi, (Re; Roselle) Just thought I’d add the warning that flaxseed oil is very prone to going rancid. I have had that before….the taste or smell will usually warn you, but not always. And… if your supplier doesn’t keep refridgerated it can go off in the shop, especially in warm weather. (If bought online, who knows how it has been stored!) Many suppliers are ignorant of how to keep such items, even health food shops!
It seems very unlikely that there would be so much difference between 2 types of flax oil, – for one to be safe for you and the other cause pain, especially as it is technically diluted due to mixing with cottage cheese. But nothing is impossible I suppose.
Another consideration is that your [ground flax] can go rancid, because it is even more vulnerable to oxidization than the oil, if not kept in air-tight conditions, and can be more difficult to keep. All flax must be consumed fairly quickly once exposed to air.
Good luck, Richie.
Hi Cortney,
Thanks for sharing this! You really inspired me so much. Just one question, in your ccfo – do you use barlean’s highest lignans or the regular flaxseed oil? Cos in your picture here you have used the highest lignan one but I when I search the net they advise to use the regular flaxseed oil then add grinded flaxseed to the mixture. Reason I asked, every time I will eat my ccfo using regular flaxseed oil I get terrible tummy pain while I dont remember having it last time when I first tried using the barlean’s highest lignan version in my ccfo. Thanks in advance.
Hi Roselle!
Sorry it’s been a while since you posted this. I have consumed both kinds. I switched to high-lignan halfway through my cancer healing protocol b/c like you, I read somewhere it was better and then later I read to stick with the red bottle (regular) and add freshly ground flaxseeds. I didn’t have time in my morning routine to add the ground flaxseeds, so I just switched back to the red bottle and that’s what I use today. Hope this helps!
Thanks Cortney.
I am quite interested in finding low or no cost ways I can monitor my body so I can adjust my intake in a more tailored informed manner – rather than just by intuition
I monitored myself a couple of times initially with blood tests until the ( UK – NHS ) doctor got nervous about doing blood tests for me unless they were requested via the oncologist…who took a long time to send a letter of permission… by which time I didn’t really want anything to do with either of them…as they were not at all co-operative with my unorthodox approach and I really don’t know where to find an sympathetic NHS doctor? ( SW6 London UK ).
Their attitude was the main reason I decided not to go back for blood tests and ultrasounds, as I’d get a temporary dip in confidence after the oncologist, ultrasound or doctor repeated the cut, burn and poison advice…
( I didn’t have an advocate with me either ).
I’ll have a re-think about going back to the doctor for blood tests, equipment to monitor glucose levels and consider monitoring my ph again.
It would really lhelp to have any tips for “how” to monitor and “exactly what” are the most critical levels etc to easily monitor for myself ( including going back to attempting to read blood results from the doctor if she will co-operate ;-), ph levels ), glucose levels etc, for which I can then use natural supplements and adapt my food intake based on the results.
Is there anywhere you have found ( or created ) that lists this kind of self monitoring advice please?
Thank you for your help, encouragement and inspiration.
With love, Shirley x
Thank you soooo much for sharing your example day – Made me giggle too! It’s so valuable and sounds a little familiar, though not the 5am starts – ouch!
Please can I go on your elite list too? I’m an energetic vibrant lady of 45, and was told of breast cancer diagnosis Dec2011 and feeling vibrant, energetic and mainly full of joy, doing my own thing.
I’ve had no surgery, I’ve ditched the doctor and the oncologist ( didn’t like their limited recommendations being repeated to me – though I may go back to the doctor for blood tests some time in the future or perhaps to the hospital for ultrasound – though done neither since May 2012 ), and doing my own thing with lifestyle and nutrition and occassionally a few health food supplements but trying to get everything by real foods. ( I’m also a busy business co-owner! ).
I still have lots of room for improvement on discipline and making time for a healthier regime and wonder if I should take regular supplements. I keep myself sane, fit, vibrant and joyful by spiritual practices, affirmations, and exercise.
?Does anyone know of a UK brand and supplier details of organic sheep or goats cottage cheese please? ( Not doing this at present as I was concerned about the dairy produce – though did it very briefly when first diagnosed ).
Thank you to all the brave and natural souls here for sharing your tips, stories, inspiration and support.
Mother nature has provided so much and our bodies are soooo clever!
Much love , healing, joyfulness and vibrant health to you all!
Shirley xxx
Hi Shirley! I love your positive and fighting spirit. (: I definitely think you should monitor your progress via ultrasound or blood work and THAT will clue you in to whether you need to supplement with additional protocols. If you find that your condition has worsened, there are many different ideas on my site and in the books I recommend that should help. Healing is truly a journey and not a destination!
Hi Cortney: Thank you for your blog and sharing all of this information. I have been reading it nonstop in the last few days. What I am curious about is were you able to sustain most of this protocol even while pregnant? Are all of the supplements safe for pregnancy? What did you change or leave out, if at all? Thanks!
Hi Nicky, YES- I took all of the supplements throughout pregnancy. I DID NOT drink Essiac Tea however.
PS: Have put up a link to from the site mentioned above, and would encourage others to do the same!
Thanks Richie! Get the word out there (:
Hi, Thanks for your kind words about my Squidoo article, and the link provided. I recently developed another related article titled “PROOF: Can Cancer be Cured Naturally? Testimonials That Prove it Often Can be”. Which is a compilation of videos and evidence relating to the subject of sponaneous remission, (Studies show 87% of cases had radically switched diet to a vegitarian based diet) and the variety of posssible approaches that work. I hope you might get time take a look. It also includes a short feature you might find interesting, (form Dr Schulze blog) “HERBAL EXPERT DR. SCHULZE RESPONDS TO AN ANGRY MD!” which is extremely amusing and eye-opening regarding prevailing attitudes in the medical profession.!!. It starts…”I first of all want to advise you that your an idiot! You disgust me, thinking that you can cure people with your little herbs and witchcraft crap”…..
With thanks, Richie.
Unbelievable story, Richie!!!!
I am absolutely moved and amazed (and also not surprised at the same time!) I don’t think you’re lazy at all!!! I may have gone a little overboard at times, but since I was pregnant, I took no liberties or chances with anything. I brought out all of my weapons. (:
(I encourage EVERYONE to read Richie’s article linked above in his post. IT’s a great summary of WHY alternative treatment works and lays out much of the Bill Henderson protocol that we both used to heal from cancer.)
I am very impressed with your staggering determination and commitment! I know how hard it can be. The daily regime you outline is fantastic, and way beyond what I have been doing. Makes me look downright lazy in comparison!
My main strategy was to follow the Bill Henderson protocol, – with flax oil/cottege cheese,- usually enjoyed with a fist-ful of blueberries, – which I found quite easy, and extended for many months. I have now grown to prefer salad type foods, with occasional meat or cheese now and then. I too take a good many suppliments, but nowhere near what you describe.
It’s been 3 years since my stage 3 bowel cancer diagnosis.. and operation. I decided to decline the 6 months of chemotherapy kindly offered by my oncologist, even tho totally free here in the UK. (I wish I could have taken the money instead!!)
Being slightly lazy, I resorted to essiac tincture, (which is very convenient to take just once a day) instead of making the tea. I have eaten a great deal of 70% dark chocolate, which is both a treat, and a type of chemotherapy. (Helps stop “angiogenisis- required for a tumor to grow and spread) I have also made sure that my diet helps me to stay alkaline, along with taking barley grass powder. Apart from that, I have taken 1,3/1.6 beta glucans to boost the immune system.
In short, I have learned to eat better and live better, and look after my health.
Being self -employed, I certainly don’t get up 5:15am!!! (unless to empty my bladder!) I commend you as an inspiration to others, and wish you all the best for the future.
PS: I have seen others in my situation die having chosen chemotherapy. Details here:
BTW , you are amazing! God bless you.
I was wondering, what happens if some1 cant spend 1,000 on food a month???
Hi Viki- it just depends. If you’re fighting cancer, then I think spending whatever you need to spend on food should be a priority. SOME organic produce (especially with your greens, peppers, berries, and apples) is better than none, or WORSE- no produce at all. Juicing can get expensive, so perhaps opt for more filling smoothies instead? Like I said though- if using your diet as your primary cancer treatment, you just shouldn’t skimp.
Hi Cortney,
Brazil nuts contain a very high amount of selenium, in case you prefare to get the nutrients from food.
One or two brazil nuts per day.
Again, thank you for your wonderful website.
Lots of health
Still reading printing it up so I can put it on my refrigerator so I can remember what I should be doing. Thanks again for sharing.
OMG Cortney, reading this make me feel like I’m not alone. I’m not back to working yet and already feel overwhelmed with the new activities I have to do. And yes I have to make food for myself and for the family, usually I eat/drink later than them. To include the crying when someone questions my decision, just happened to me. Thank you for sharing, really need to hear this.
Hi Jackie,
MY optimistic response to your dad’s chemo situation: It is so important to BELIEVE that your treatment of choice will heal you, no matter what it is! So it is great that he has confidence in his healing protocol.
OH my gosh, the chocolate stevia addition, and others sounds delish!!! I never thought to add that. I haven’t had cheesecake in years. I will definitely start experimenting with flavoring my CCFO. I’m still downing it with a grimace 4-6 days a week.
I do feel full right afterwards, but it digests SO quickly! I am hungry again about 3 hours later. Eating a primarily plant-based diet afterwards is very important, as too much processed and heavy foods CAN lead to weight gain when eating full Budwig each morning.
I am assuming that, as a preventative, a smaller ratio is fine. There is a great Yahoo group for Budwig here: I bet they could answer your question more specifically.
I’m not sure about the whey protein either. It sounds interesting though….worth doing the research!
There’s been radioactive sea plants found washed up on the coast of N. Carolina as well…the whole thing is a HUGE disaster. I don’t drink cow’s milk at all and haven’t heard anything regarding that report. At this point it is just important to stick to eating a primarily organic, plant-based diet as locally grown as possible!
hi cortney! i love your website – i discovered it through chris wark’s website, where i read your interview with him. what an inspiring story you have – congratulations!!! you are awesome. and i just read your post above and you are so funny – it made me LOL a few times. i don’t have cancer but i like to study nutrition/natural healing as a hobby, so i read a lot of these blogs. and my dad just got diagnosed with multiple myeloma and he is doing chemo, which is making him super sick and weak. ugh. i wish he would stop but he’s determined to finish and he thinks it will cure him. so all i can do is support and pray for him. anyway, i have some questions about the CCFO. i happen to LOVE cottage cheese, and so, like bill henderson, i eat the CCFO as a preventive thing. i put some chocolate stevia in it and mix in a little organic coconut flour, organic raw nuts, and organic raw cacao nibs, and i swear, it tastes like cheesecake!
it’s soooooo yummy! anyway, i don’t do the entire recipe (2/3 cup cc and 6 tbs oil), because that’s like 1000 calories and there’s no way i could eat all that in one meal! i just wanted to ask you, doesn’t that make you super full and feeling gross? i don’t know if i could digest all that fat. i do 2-3 tbs of oil with about 1/2 cup of cc. i wonder if that’s ok? also, i was wondering if i could substitute udo’s 3-6-9 oil for the flax. and finally, what about organic grass fed whey powder instead of cottage cheese – i’m thinking the whey is sulphorated protein, since it has the methionine and i can’t remember the other amino acid that makes it sulphorated. oh, and sorry, one more question – are you concerned at all about radioactive cesium that’s been found in cow milk in california after fukushima? sorry to ask SO many questions!! thank you for your awesome website!!
For almond:
If you HAVE to use almond milk for some reason, use unsweetened- cancer loves sugar!
I only drank alkaline water when I was fighting cancer. I do not think it is mandatory and certain studies claim that it is ineffective. I did every therapy I could find back when I was diagnosed and alkaline water was one of them. We figured that it could only help, so why not! Now I make sure to keep my water’s PH in the 8-9 range. Back then I drank it at an 11. I wrote a post about it last year:
If adding a banana would encourage you to drink this, then do it! If I were fighting cancer, I would try to have it without the banana, but if it meant I wouldn’t drink it, then I would add the banana and smile. (:
Would adding a banana to the vegetable smoothies reduce the effect of the vegetable smoothie ?
Do you dring only alkaline water ?
I read a few opinions on the subject, and some say that it might be unhealthy. What do you think about it ?
Is almond milk ok to use in the smoothies instead of water ?
Thank you for your reply about the green tea. What type of beans did you eat on your salad? I am not a big fan of beans, but they would add fiber.
Thank you
The green tea I drank during treatment is no longer for sale. (It was Bancha Japanese green tea from Traditional Medicinals)
Now, I drink Whole Foods organic green tea, but mainly for the flavor more so than for therapy. I wrote about this in a post a while back HERE:
Hi, i always enjoy the information you share. You mentioned you drank green tea. Any particular brand? Also you mentioned you ate beans on your salad. I have never really ate many beans, but curious what type of bean you put on your salad. Thank you so much.
Thank you for replying
Following my previous post about the amount of food you ate each day, could you estimate how may lbs of vegetables you used per week, since juicing takes a lot of vegetables, and organic vegetables are very expensive.
Was the food you ate enough to not feel hungry ?
Did you eat any fruits ?
Lots of health to you and your family
Hmmm- pounds would be difficult to estimate. I have no idea!!! I know I spent about $1,000 a month on groceries for JUST ME. Nowadays my family of 3 spends that in a month. Organic produce, supplements, and organic cottage cheese was majorly expensive….and still is. Quality food is supposed to be expensive. It’s a basic human need. Gov’t subsidies are the only reason that conventional and processed food is so cheap. Wish they would put their money into organic farming instead! (:
I ate one to two pieces of fruit per day. Usually an apple in my smoothie and another one to eat (and savor!)
Thanks for your response.
I just read the post again and it seems like you didn’t eat much each day.
Just cottage cheese, 2 smoothies, 2 slices of bread, some tea, some nuts, a salad, some juice.
Is that all you ate all day ?
How much carrot juice did you drink each day ? Where did that fit in your daily menu ?
I didn’t drink much carrot juice at all during my treatment. I found that that amount of food was fine for me. I am only 5’1″ (61.5 inches) and at the time was about 115 pounds.
Thank you for this important post, and for all the important information you are sharing on your website.
Is goat’s milk cottage cheese also ok to use for the Budweig recipe, or does it have to be cow’s milk cottage cheese ?
Which brands of cottage cheese did you use ?
Hi there!
YES- from what I have read from different Budwig resources, goat milk CC would be almost better! The fat/protein ratio is almost exactly the same, but goat milk digests better in humans.
I started out using 1% “Nancy’s” cottage cheese, but at $4.50 a container I forfeited my loyalty when Whole Foods came out with 1.5% fat organic cottage cheese in their “365” brand.
Update: I’m back to Nancy’s cottage cheese since reading information about carrageenan in the 365 Whole Foods brand that was questionable! Loving Nancy’s and if you buy it buy the case (6), you get a 10% discount which helps. I freeze whatever containers I don’t think I’ll get to by the expiration date and eat it within 3 days once thawed.
Patricia- I know how it is with insurance being so expensive. We never use our insurance because of our holistic views but yet we pay close to $300 each month in premiums. YUCK! I’m glad I could help. (:
Amy- I’m not sure if their daily eating habits looked like mine since they are more raw-foodists and weren’t fighting cancer, but I’m glad I could offer some insight. It’s not easy! (:
Check out for a more realistic “raw foodist” type daily meal plan.
This was really helpful to me. When I look into raw foodists like Davide Wolfe and Ani Phyo, I always wish I had a little insight into what a daily meal plan and general vitamin regimen looked like for these people. This was pretty cool. Thanks for taking the time to do all this.
Hi Cortney,
I don’t have health insurance so always have to figure out how to be healthy on my own. I am having some symptoms which I am interpreting as precancerous (has to do with lymph nodes).
I have seen the Budwig protocol before but did not feel it necessary. Now I think it would be a good thing for me to add to my lifestyle.
Thank you for your sharing. For some reason, it touches my heart and makes it easier for me to take the next step in self-care.
Love, Joy and Peace,
This is awesome!! I am a mom of 4 and although I do not have cancer (that I know), cancer has changed my life. I was alongside of my mother in her 8 year battle with conventional medicine and will also be refusing modern conventional treatments. I try to keep it to myself, but for the few who know they called me a disgrace to my children! I take really good care of myself and my children and I try to eat for my health as a preventative. I am so sad that people that supposedly care for us will take time out of their lives to belittle us and try to rope us into their own fear. My thought is: “They don’t know what I do and if they did, they would think this way too.” That is what I think. They weren’t there with me on these trials, so they have NO CLUE as to what it means. They just blindly trust, and that is never a good thing when it comes to your health. We must all take responsibility for our own health and that of our children and refrain from “brain laziness” to make sure that we are up on our current science. (Unlike many doctors.)
Thank you so much for this blog site. I was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer, a more agressive form of breast cancer, in mid August and was totally freaked out. I am 41 and have a wonderful 5 and half year old, all I could think about was was, this is it, this is the end. My daughter would grow up not knowing her mother. The idea of chemo and radiation was not sitting well with me, the idea of poisoning my body didn’t make sense, but they said the only effective way we know of for your type of cancer was chemo…1.4% effective…hmm. With my daughter in mind I thought that was my only option…Fear based decision. I had started an alkaline diet omitting all of the NO NO’s, started juicing and taking supplements that I had read were deficient in most breast cancer patients. I wanted to find other juice recipes and started on the net…I came across Chris Beat Cancer which led me to you. I am so grateful to the both of you, along with The Wellness Warrior. It led me to research other modes of alternative treatments, treatments friends said were ignorant for me to consider. What is nice is that I am already a vegetarian…so lots of salads and veggies I love. Juice I can stomach…anyway, I decided on the Bill Henderson protocol…bringing me to CCFO..I don’t like cottage cheese, but what I have done is along with the CCFO I add 2-3 tbsp of homemade salsa. it is like a veggie dip, very pallitable. I have lost 20lbs with exercise and the “vegan/raw” diet.
Once again…thank you for taking the time to document your journey and put yourself out there, not knowing what you will get back. As far as I am concerned….YOU ROCK.
Do you know, can you mix half of the CCFO in the am and then mix another half later? I am over stuffed when I eat the whole mixture…just curious.
No, YOU ROCK Cadie! I am so happy you took the time to let me know about your story! It is encouraging to others to not be alone in their quest for alternative healing. (: Stay tuned for my next post on alternative breast cancers survivors. I have found 29 so far and counting…I will add YOU to the list one day soon.
And as far as the Budwig goes, I always ate it at one sitting, mainly b/c my immersion blender wasn’t shallow enough to mix 1/2 of the amount.
Hi Cadie Holl, what supplements do you take against breast cancer. Thank you. And, GreenDrinkDiaries I hope I will be too on your list survivors
Hi Cadie Holl, what supplements do you take against breast cancer? Thank you. And, GreenDrinkDiaries I hope I will be too on your list survivors
Hi, I found my way to your blog via Bill Henderson’s site. Maybe it’s cheating a bit, but when I eat CCFO I sprinkle gomasio on top. That is sesame seeds that I toast a few minutes in a dry pan, then grind up in the Vitamix with a little added sea salt. It makes all the difference to me in whether I choke it down or actually enjoy it. If you don’t want the salt you could leave this out.
My hat is off to you for your self discipline and continuing to teach (a MOST demanding occupation!) during this time of healing.
No, I’m not talking about tap water. When you wrote up what you ate (above), you seemed to be using water to make tea, etc., but I don’t recall where you said you just drank water without anything in it. I know that water is necessary to flush out toxins and provide oxygen to the cells, so I just wondered if you drank plain water (from your machine) outside of what you have outlined above. Thanks Cortney.
Hi Cortney, did you drink any plain water during this time period?
Hi Pam- as in tap water from the sink? No, becasue it’s loaded with chemicals. I haven’t drank tap water out of the sink unless I had no other water available since then either. I drank alkaline water during my cancer b/c my husband bought the machine. (I feel like we might have bought it out of fear and very hyped up claims.) I wrote about it a few months under the post “Water”.
Do you still do this today or are you less rigid?
Hey Emily- yes, I do a lot of it today but am definitely not as strict. I’ll give you what I ate today for example: Breakfast- green tea with CCFO (cottage cheese flaxseed oil) Snack- Pear and almonds. L- 64 oz green smoothie (carrots, tomatoes, broccoli sprouts, spinach, cilantro, avocado,beans,) S- Ezekiel Bread and olive oil/spices, D- 1/2 veggie salad from Chipotle. So, you can see- life has gotten a bit easier, but I still try to stay as meatless as possible and eat as much raw foods as I can. CCFO I do 4 times a week now instead of 6-7. I still take most of the supplements I took during the cancer time.
Good lord you went pretty hardcore with those green smoothies! Most people make them a little more palatable at first then work their way up to the straight up veggie ones. Very brave. I hated the Budwig Diet (cottage cheese and flax oil) as well. I ended up deciding that if I was going to do a serious of disgusting things, I would pick what I felt was most helpful. It didn’t make the cut. Great share and I look forward to your other posts!
Yep- I accepted the reality that my food wouldn’t be eaten for enjoyment during that season of my life would be a better option that having to do chemo or radiation. I hated the Budwig and still don’t enjoy the Budwig. But I believe it ws the most EFFECTIVE and one of the only holistic cancer protocols that has SOLID research to back it up.
Thank you for sharing with us these snippets to your past. I have a feeling I’m going to LOVE reading this series!