Alternative Breast Cancer Survivors: Margarita, Burga, May, and Alicia

The women you will hear from today all received their treatment from the Oasis of Hope Hospital in Tijuana, Mexico. Oasis of Hope is different from other hospitals in the United States in that they are knowledgeable about holistic methods along with having the best conventional treatments available. I especially love their spiritual focus on God and dependence on Him as “the Great Physician.”


Margarita I. Olvera de Arrache

Life and Leisure

“About 10 or 12 years ago, I had a mammogram done and a tumor in my breast was detected. My gynecologist consulted with an oncologist and they decided to recommend removing that breast. Naturally my husband and I did not want to have that done. We decided to get a second opinion from a close friend of my husband, Dr. Francisco Contreras. They had known each other for 29 years. After reviewing the mammogram, Dr. Contreras ordered a CT scan to determine the size and growth of the tumor.

With the results of the CT scan, it was time to determine what my treatment plan would be, considering my family history. My father had endured cancer for a few years and he never let the doctors treat him with chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Instead, he acted on the recommendations of a nutritionist and adopted a very strict diet. I watched my dad’s life as the doctors told my mother to prepare everything for my father’s funeral. I was only in 6th grade at the time and over the years I saw my father diagnosed with cancer a few more times. I want you to know that he lived until he was 85-years-old and didn’t die of cancer; he died of a diabetic coma.

I shared my father’s story with Dr. Contreras and I completely rejected chemotherapy and radiation. We decided with Dr. Contreras to try alternative therapies integrating a strict diet and supplements that the hospital’s laboratory has formulated. In addition, for three years I did not consume any sugar, honey, salt, dairy, fat, oil, butter, margarine, fried foods, dried fruit, meat, chicken, fish, flour, coffee, black tea, alcoholic beverages, or any liquids with my meals.

Now, I don’t eat any protein after midday because cancer patients have a hard time digesting proteins. I eat fruits, which are faster to digest than proteins and vegetables after midday.”

Burga Ratti

May Kyle

Life and Leisure

“My first visit to the Oasis of Hope Hospital was in January 2004, after being diagnosed with breast cancer in November 2003. I found out about the hospital through a person in my sister’s church, who had recently been in contact with someone who had visited the hospital. It came highly recommended and seemed to back up my belief in alternative treatments. After much research via the Internet and prayer, I realized that this was where I had to go.

My first visit lasted for 28 days during which I got ozone treatment and a mastectomy. This, however, did not result in a typical hospital experience — stuck indoors after each daily treatment. I was able to go for a walk along the beach or to the shops. The food on offer is a big part of the on-going treatment. It is based on a very strict diet. Also, on offer were nutritional classes that teach you the best way to make your food when you return home.

I am now at the end of my five-year program, which has included 10 visits. Each visit, which was approximately every six months for a few days, has been very similar. This would include a check-up and consultation with the doctor, a blood test being taken for the tumor marker, and the opportunity to take home my prescribed medication due to the distance traveled. The check-ups gave me the opportunity to visit some lovely cities in the US before flying home.

I now plan to visit once each year so that the doctors can continue to physically monitor my progress. I am so, so glad that I made this decision instead of the conventional treatment (chemotherapy, radiation therapy) and side effects (hair loss, sickness, feeling tired, etc.), none of which I experienced but would have been my only option in the UK. I was also treated as an individual, with treatments to suit my situation, instead of like patients back home who generally always get the same treatments regardless.”

Alicia Harrison


The above testimonies have been taken from the Oasis of Hope website.

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