As cancer researcher and author of Cancer-Free: Your Guide to Gentle, Non-Toxic Healing, Bill Henderson once said, “No cancer either begins or thrives if the patient’s immune system is strong.” So, a first priority for either prevention or healing is to prioritize equipping your immune system. We can learn about one of the fundamental ways to do this through the research of pharmacologist and immune system expert, AJ Lanigan and his product, Beta 1, 3-D Glucan for cancer.
This post includes an interview with AJ I did in 2022 and answers many great questions I have been asked about Beta Glucan since I started taking it in 2008. I really think you’ll enjoy it! (If you are short on time, there are timestamps in the video description so you can skip between questions.)
***For the lowest price on Beta Glucan visit this link —> HERE!
(Updated: November, 2023. Originally published January, 2011)

Transfer Point/ Better Way Health brands of Beta-1, 3D Glucan has been shown to increase immune activity as much as 160x than its competitors.
What Is Beta Glucan?
Beta 1, 3-D Glucan is an immune modulating supplement extracted from baker’s yeast. Its primary use is to strengthen the immune system without causing an autoimmune response from over-stimulation. It functions by planting a receptor in the outer membrane of your “neutrophil immune cells” that allows them to better recognize cancer cells (and other pathogens) in order to destroy them. Normally, your body’s cellular defenses do not recognize cancer cells as they are disguised from the immune system.
I took Beta Glucan every morning through my cancer treatment starting in November, 2008. Because the therapeutic dose called for 500mg per 50 pounds of body weight and I was 120 pounds, I alternated every other day 1,500mg/ 1,000mg. After taking it, you have to wait 30 minutes before eating.
Even though (at the time of this post) I have been cancer-free for 15 years, I still take 1,000 – 1,500mg of Beta 1, 3-D Glucan every morning, 30 minutes before breakfast and have so for the past 15 years.
Beta Glucan for Cancer
AJ Lanigan himself had his Beta 1, 3-D Glucan tested at Harvard, Tulane, the University of Louisville, Baylor, Johns Hopkins among others, and it has been on the market for over 30 years. Through peer-reviewed studies, they tested it against other high-end immune boosting products and found it in fact to be “far superior” to all others on the market.
It’s quite astonishing, but THOUSANDS (198,000 as of 2023) of studies have been performed on glucans and their ability to modulate the immune system, making it more effective in finding and attacking pathogens.
There is an entire organization that has gathered these studies and you can visit their website HERE and search for specific studies or browse alphabetically.
Watch My Interview with Beta Glucan Expert, AJ Lanigan
(Added for 2022 update)
After 14 years now of taking Beta Glucan daily, I had the wonderful opportunity to sit down and record an interview with the formulator, AJ Lanigan. I definitely had a few questions for him, and he didn’t disappoint in answering them thoroughly.
How did AJ get started into Beta Glucan research? (01:00)
Beta Glucan as regular immune system care: (08:20)
My personal experience with Beta Glucan since 2008: (12:20)
How does Beta Glucan help the immune system and can effectiveness be measured? (13:45)
Beta Glucan for Kids vs. Kids’ Multivitamin? Which is best if I had to pick one? (~24:00 -28:00 mark)
Beta Glucan’s activity on a cellular level: (31:15)
Can my immune system become “dependent” on Beta Glucan? Can I “take a break” from Beta Glucan? (34:00)
Beta Glucan being “so expensive” — addressing this problem through “pulse dosing.” (My favorite part of the interview!) (35:00)
Last Question: “I’ve heard a rumor that I really don’t have to wait 30 minutes to eat after taking Beta Glucan. Is this true?” (Listen to the whole answer!) (47:15)
Where Can I Buy Beta Glucan?
I purchase my Beta 1, 3-D Glucan from a local Atlanta company, Better Way Health. This is actually the same company I purchased my first bottle from in 2008! It is important that you purchase beta glucan from Transfer Point or Better Way Health, as it is the most potent beta glucan on the market. You can get 10% off of your order by using my code “ACM” at checkout.
***For the lowest price on Beta Glucan visit this link —> HERE!
(Update 2024: I am now at 16 years remission and still taking Beta Glucan at the maintenance 2 capsule dose daily!)
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Disclaimer: Please note that I am not a doctor or a cellular biologist. Humbly speaking, I don’t even consider myself a “cancer researcher.” I am simply a survivor wanting to share my story, the knowledge I’ve learned (that worked for me) throughout my holistic anti-cancer journey, and to help raise awareness for alternative cancer treatments as a whole. As such, I am greatly simplifying much of this information for timeliness and comprehension’s sake. Never hesitate to do your own research. If you have any questions or thoughts along the way, please leave a comment below. THANKS! 🙂
Hi- I love your info- I’m a little confused after watching the video interview- since it’s weight based, why does the website encourage taking the 100 vs the 500? I’ve got an active diagnosis, and I’ve been trying the 500 mg ‘every other day’ method he recommended, but since my numbers seem to be going in the wrong direction I think I’ll go back to daily- any info on the 100 level,or is that for the very basics,not with an active illness?
The 100 is for the general population just wanting to give their immune system boost. The 500 per 50 lbs of body weight is for active cancer. 🙂 I still take the “maintenance dose” of 1000mg daily.
Do you take this every day or does it need to be cycled?
I take everyday. 🙂
Did you take this while pregnant?
Yes! All 6 pregnancies 🥰
I just found beta glucan in Mr Henderson’s book and ordered some. Now I have stumbled upon your info and very much enjoy it and want to try your news letter .
Thanks for sharing it!!!
You’re welcome, Charlie!
I know that this is a couple of years old but I was newly diagnosed with malt lymphoma. THANK YOU for this info!
Also, it seems like you were not a fan of taking melatonin. If that a personal preference or isnthere a link to lymphoma? Everything that I’m reading says that it may be beneficial? I definitely don’t want to take anything that will go against my efforts! Thanks!
I don’t have any literature to share with you about the melatonin. We had come across research about lymphoma and melatonin and contraindication. Maybe try googling it and see if you can come across that info?
where do you buy this
There are links in the post to Ancient Elements. Betterway Health is another option. 🙂
Hola mi nombre es colman lucio yo anlo español no ingles estoy imteresado es ese remedio para el linfoma me podrian decir como conseguirlo y k precio cuesta domde lo benden
Can you please clarify if:
(Weight 64kgs)
Take 3x a day (breakfast, lunch, dinner) 30 minutes before eating or
Take 3 capsule once in the morning 30 minutes before eating?
Please reply
Take 3 capsules in am before breakfast. Wait 30 minutes. 🙂
my wife has stage 4 lung cancer. she started taking beta glucan to build her immune system and she has a nuelesta injection 27 hours after chemo. she takes 3- 500 mg beta glucans capsules a day for a total of 1500 mg per day. my question is: i’ve yet to find a website that suggests the duration of 1500 mg/day, then start on a maintenance dose? thought maybe i could get a suggestion from you?
greg fockler
This recommendation came from Bill Henderson’s book, Cancer-Free which came from the formulator, AJ Lanigan.
Hi Greg did you get an answer I would also like to know my mom also receives nuelesta after chemo. Thanks hope all is well.
I have a great granddaughter 2 years old who has had poor immune system issues for those 2 years…she has been in the hospital 3 times, overnighters for very low white cell counts and of course the allopathy doctors just put her on heavy anit-biotics etc……I talked with Marijah McCain from the Herbal Healer Academy in Ark. and she recommended she take 1 beta glucan tab. a day….Watcha think…..Caroline (Nana) Ward
Sounds great! Transfer Point is about to come out with a chewable Beat Glucan gummie for kids. Stay tuned!
Hi there. I was wondering if you could tell me the difference between linear (fermentation produced) and branched (yeast-produced) beta glucan 1,3-D? I have read that linear is best? More bioavailable? Thank you so much for your helpful information!
I wish I could dig that deeply into the chemistry right now. Maybe try reaching out directly to Transfer Point or contacting AJ Lanigan via his Facebook page?
How long time can one take Beta Glucan? Is it safe to take indefinitely if one has cancer? Or should one stop taking it for a while, and then start to take it again?
Thank you,
Hi Julia, this is a great question! I’ve been taking Beta Glucan for 8 years and have read a lot on the topic. I’ve never heard anyone mention stopping taking it to give it a break. Next time I talk with AJ Lanigan (who helped formulate Transfer Point BG in the capsule form,) I’ll ask him. 🙂 -Cortney
Hi Courtney,
I’m new to your blog and I love it.
I was recently diagnosed with indolent follicular lymphoma Grade 1 but havent gone for staging yet.
I’m more in favour of alternative treatment. I am now doing Budwig diet but can only stomach one meal instead of two per day. Are you also taking one Budwig meal a day every day? Tks in advance.
I have always taken 2/3 cup cc to 6 Tbsp fo once daily but many people I know split that in half and eat it twice daily.
Hi Courtney,
Did you take beta glucan while pregnant? I too had a form of lymphoma it was NH..I wasn’t sure about taking while pregnant?
I ‘m looking for help… I have the Hodgkin Lymphoma
Many greets..
Question…I am taking a very high quality + expensive multi-vitamin pack from Shaklee Vitamins right now. If I were to begin Bill Hendersons regimen of supplements, should I stop the others or continue taking along with. Thanks.
Anne- if I were you, I would switch to the Daily Advantage vitamins. Give away your Shaklee to a loved one. (: Bill’s protocol is what it is for a reason.
Hi Cortney. I am Defi, from Indonesia and temporarily life in Australia for study. I watched your interview in Chris beat cancer web. Do you have information where I can buy this supplement in Australia or Indonesia?or can I buy them online? Thank you
Awesome-I will give her a call! Thank you 🙂
Hey Alex!
Thanks for the comment and the fun typos* (: I ABSOLUTELY believe in and trust the efficacy of Beta,1 3-D Glucan. Transfer Point is by far its most potent maker. Phyllis at Ancient Elements is amazingly helpful and honest with her advice. Give her a call, even if just to chat about your situation: (855) 877-8220.
Swelling** my goodness
Strange** grr autocorrect!
Hi! I love your website and admire your courage. I am having many strane lymph issues and am a 25 yr old female. So far biopsies are benign but I have numerous hard fixed nodes that pop up and never go away. I also get this periodic sweeing in my clavical area. Very strange. I digress! I am very interested in this supplement but am always so nervous to use things found online! Any advice?
You’re welcome, Rosa (:
You are a blessing to all who read your blog! Thank you so much for sharing so much with all of us!
Thank you for your blog. It must have taken some time to share your experience. It is true the blog is really pleasant to navigate on.
Could you please tell us what is the ” Cortney’s ‘Kick-Butt’ Cancer Fighting Concoction ” ? The link doesn’t seem to work.
Many thanks 😉
Thank you for letting me know about that link! Here it is: (:
omg i love your blog’s new look!! 😀 great post!!
I know that you and Kevin are putting your “heart and soul” into helping others. There is no telling how many people that will be helped and I am sure that it gives everyone great comfort to know that they are not alone with whatever circumstances they are facing! To God be the glory as He has helped you, may this bring others peace, health and long life! Great job!:)