14 Day Summer Cleanse: GET READY!!

Who’s with me? Let’s take our bodies back in a challenging, inspiring, and hard core kind of way! I began pondering over this cleanse after becoming very frustrated over the 5 pounds of baby weight hanging out on my hips and belly since my daughter was born 18 months ago. I had always wondered if eating Cottage Cheese/ 6 Tbsp of Flaxseed Oil everyday was not allowing my body to shed those extra pounds?

For those of you who are new to my story- I had cancer 3 years ago, treated it holistically, and CC/FO, along with the rest of my food being raw vegan was the most important ways in how I did so. The only way I would ever stop taking CC/FO, and only temporarily, would be if I were on a 100% raw vegan diet, not 75-80% like I am currently. So, I figured if I were going to do a cleanse, why not have others do it with me? I’ll plan it, you just have to follow.

DETOX: Do Rebounders Help With Cancer?

When I first heard about rebounding for cancer, I thought it was a complete joke. How could jumping on a mini-trampoline help me with my cancer diagnosis? Is it even scientific that rebounders help with cancer at all? The science behind rebounding exercise is both interesting and convincing.

When I first wrote this post back in February of 2011, I was barely past my cancer diagnosis. It is amazing to be here 15 years later as a family of eight and have so much perspective! I am so grateful for my rebounder and we have tons of fun on it daily. I still highly recommend the Cellerciser because I have now seen how it has held up and of course, being cancer free, I wonder its role in supporting my immune system over the years.

DETOX – Our Water: So Fresh and So Clean Clean??

Clean water has always been a “biggie” for Kevin and I and we have spent big bucks to make sure we have the best water possible. The first step we took towards better water was right after Kevin and I got married and about 1 month before the cancer diagnosis. He came to me about this new “shower water filter” he heard about. To me it just sounded like another unnecessary expense. I brought up the argument of “UGH! What next? We’re going to be bubble people soon. We can’t protect ourselves from everything!”

DETOX – Air Supply: (GASP!)

Clean water and air free of pollutants, chemicals, and toxins should be one of our inalienable rights, wouldn’t you think? Well, it doesn’t appear that way. If we want to live healthier lives we need to protect ourselves from the toxins added to our air and water. Does a picture of an elephant-like gas mask hit you about right now? No worries, it’s not that bad. Here is what I do to reduce or eliminate toxins from my air.

My Interview with Chris of ChrisBeatCancer.com

Want to read the juicy details of my life during my holistic cancer treatment? Check out my interview with Chris Wark of ChrisBeatCancer.com HERE.

Next week DETOX Week will continue (along with some fun recipes breaks thrown in) with Air and Water Filters, Hydrocolon Therapy and Rebounders, all ways I detoxed my body during cancer treatment.


Before “The kanser” nothing would enrage me more than people telling me how bad the food I ate was. “I just don’t like the texture of vegetables.” I would say. “They make me gag,” or “I work out everyday so it really doesn’t matter” would be my defense. I now know that it really does matter. When I was fighting my cancer I went through a major food detox. I didn’t use pills or juices exclusively; just raw and living foods. During the 6 month process I was able to avoid these Top 10 preservatives, additives and chemicals by sticking to an organic raw, vegan diet. My body responded and I am now in remission.

Read this list with an open mind. Get mad at it if you want, but keep reading through it. Even with all of this knowledge, I remember how strong my food addiction to this stuff was and how emotionally difficult it was to change.

DETOX – Health Starts with Your Diet

**(I have decided to break today’s post up into several days as there is simply too much information to cover in one post!)

As stated by Dr. Mercola recently, “Your body was designed to maintain equilibrium of health, and one of the basic cornerstones is your diet.”  How true!  As such, one of the easiest ways to rid our bodies of toxins is to make smart choices around the foods we eat.  An essential way of doing this is by eating lots of non-adulterated foods — that is, foods that are as close to their natural state as possible.  When you consume fresh, raw, non-adulterated food, everything you eat is considered to be a “superfood.”  It’s called a “superfood” because all of the nutrients in the food remain in tact and in abundance for our bodies to digest and assimilate.  These nutrients are important because

– “Don’t You KNOW That You’re TOXIC?!”

If you walked into a Whole Foods Market a few days before New Year’s Day you couldn’t miss it. “Detox Kits” and “Whole Body Cleanses” sat in pyramid stacks throughout the store. So what does it mean to detox? Are we that toxic to begin with? Is it as easy as buying a kit, a bottle of pills, or a jar of juice?

“Detox” is short for “detoxification.” We all have toxins within us. They come from what we eat and drink, what we put on our body, the air we breathe, and even the mist in the shower. Toxic thoughts can also create chemical reactions within our bodies that can pollute our systems. This week I want everyone to pay careful attention to what you put into your body: