Green Drink Commitments 2012- A Vibrant Mind!


When I was diagnosed with cancer in 2008, one of the first questions I had was “WHY did I get this?”

As my husband and I learned more about alternative approaches to healing from cancer, we began to hypothesize its cause. There was the obvious- yes, it ran in my family, but genes weren’t an absolute in a cancer diagnosis. It was very clear after studying the anti-cancer diet, that the food I had put in my body my whole life was a major factor in my developing cancer. But what I had been feeding my MIND was equally suspicious.

This last post in our Green Drink Commitments series will get you thinking about HOW YOU THINK and WHAT YOU BELIEVE. Are your thought patterns helpful or hurtful in achieving your goals?

Green Drink Commitments 2012- Give, Save, Live!

It was one of the most profound yet simple phrases I had ever heard:

“Give First, Save Next, Live on the Rest.”

My pastor, Andy Stanley of Buckhead Church in Atlanta said this one Sunday a few years ago and it changed me forever. It wasn’t new information. Before we were married my husband and I attended pre-marital counseling and felt strongly about getting on the same page financially. We read Dave Ramsey’s “The Total Money Makeover” and applied his philosophy of debt-free living the best we could before cancer came into our lives.

But it was the simplicity of Andy’s phrase. You could own it. It could be your motto, a phrase that defines the way you manage your finances. It didn’t just strike my mind, but my heart too.

My New Years “Commitments”- A Green Drink Spin on Boring Resolutions!

 I’m a commitment kind of girl.

I’ve run two half marathons.

I had a drug-free child birth.

I went against conventional wisdom and fought my cancer with alternative therapies.

And that’s my husband and me at our wedding 3 years ago.

Commitments are my THING.

There are 6 commitments you MUST make this year! I have made them for the past few years and they have led to many BIG changes in my life. In fact, starting Green Drink Diaries was one of my commitments last January, and here you are reading it!

COMMIT to at least one of these 6 commitments in 2012, and you’ll have plenty of reasons to be thankful! You’re in for a fun, self-exploratory ride with me: setting goals and envisioning what you will accomplish this year!

My Aunt Toni “Belinda”

Toni Hurd Dowdy, 1958-2011

My Aunt Toni would be embarrassed if she knew I published her middle name on the internet. She was my mom’s identical twin, both born on April Fool’s Day, 1958 in Miami, the 6th and 7th of 8 children born to my grandparents. Named Toni “Belinda”, for her “Twin B” status, we would always joke about my mom’s less glamorous middle name, “Ann” and for her luck of being “Twin A.” Aunt Toni was so beautiful in both her spirit and body. I want to honor her by telling her story.

A Day in the Life: 5 Tips for Cancer Confidence


ATTITUDE makes the biggest difference in overcoming the challenges that come with choosing holistic cancer treatment. If you have visited here often, you probably know at least ONE thing about me: I wholeheartedly believe that holistic/alternative cancer works. But YOU have to believe with ALL of your heart that YOU will get WELL!

A Day in the Life: Beating Cancer My Way


I decided it would be helpful for anyone coming to my site seeking out information on holistic/alternative cancer treatment to know what a typical day would look like on my holistic cancer fighting regimen. It took me a while to get this comfortable and efficient with my daily schedule during that time, but eventually I was able to whiddle my daily routine down to what you see below. I’ve written about many of the elements of my cancer treatment before, so be sure to click on the links if you want to know more.