I don’t know about you, but at some point about two days ago I woke up feeling in the twilight zone. Is this all for real???
We have had one case of coronavirus in our county here in the north Atlanta suburbs, but all schools in the Atlanta metro are closed until at least April.
I will be very honest with you that I haven’t spent hours and hours researching COVID-19 because I am home doing what *now* every American parent is doing with their kids: HOMESCHOOLING! My hubs who owns a film and media company here in Atlanta is also working overtime to help companies try to digitize their workflow and leadership, so we are getting used to the “new normal.”
I would love to hear how it is going for you if you are reading this and are homeschooling for the first time. You guys may know that this year is the first year I have been homeschooling all of my kids, so I have worked out a few kinks prior to this forced quarantine. Please feel free to ask me any questions in the comments below and I will help how I can over the next few days. 🙂
Preparedness Hacks and Natural Remedies for Coronavirus
- Toilet Paper – if running out of toilet paper is what your most nervous about, you definitely would love a bidet attachment. We got one from HelloTushy.com this past Christmas and have felt like a boss with all of the TP shortage! Using old mismatched socks for #1 and then washing at the end of the day has been a very creative solution I have seen circulating (if you are in a bind.) Of course you can always just dispose of those too. 😉
- Water – if water availability is a problem for you, you’ll love a Berkey Water Filter. Check and see if they are still available here. You may enjoy researching why I love mine here in this post.
- Produce – if your produce is picked over and organic is not available at your grocery store, then it’s a perfect time to try Misfits Market, Get organic, mostly local produce at up to 40% off DELIVERED. We have been using Misfits for several months now and have loved it! And to not have to go into the grocery store is *thumbs up*.
Use promo code COOKWME-JZ2ABW for 50% off first purchase! - Laundry Detergent – don’t want to run out? Consider a nontoxic laundry detergent subscription. I have used My Green Fills for years now. It works great and is less than $9 a month! Extremely sustainable. Read more here.
Natural Remedies
Here’s a bit of what my family is stocked up on for respiratory support in case of coronavirus. With there being no cure or conventional treatment for Coronavirus, being knowledgeable about natural anti-virals is important.
- Our usual, Beta Glucan. I’ve taken 500mg BG since my cancer diagnosis in 2008 and haven’t stopped. If they are out of the 500mg, you can also purchase 100mg bottles HERE. My daughters have been taking Beta Kids (Beta Kids + Vitamin D combo) daily all winter.
- Homeopathy – Spongia Tosta for dry, hacking cough, Arsenicum, and Lycopodium, too. Many of these are available in an over the county homeopathy kit like this one. This homeopathy book is my go-to for learning. and checking symptoms. You can also purchase at Whole Foods, Sprouts, or some CVS stores.
- Herbal Remedies – ACF, black seed oil, bee propolis, Vitamin D3/K2, Vitamin C sodium ascorbate high dose, ALJ for adults and kids to get mucous out of the chest. Also, high plant based diet and lots of raw garlic. Just watch for GI sensitivity. Many are talking online about how elderberry can cause increased complication, so you may want to research that more.
- Oils – I have been using my Thieves or OnGuard in our diffuser off and on every few hours daily for germ killing. Diluted eucalyptus and clove for chest rub and inhalation.
- REST – every time my family is sick I tend to forget the importance of slowing down and not trying to resume life as normal too quickly. Rest and sleep are two of the best tools we have.
I hope you all find this helpful! Again, I would love to hear from you since we are all so contained. Feel free to chat int he comments. 🙂
Are you still anti-vax?
Hey Calley! I’m actually not “anti-vax” at all. I think that term is polarizing to the discussion. My experience with cancer and using nontoxic therapies shaped my worldview regarding one size fits all medicine. When making the choice for our kids I looked at each individual vaccine and disease and assessed risk factors. ❤️ All of those posts are on my blog by disease. I have yet to write about a few of them but they’re mostly there.
Thank you so much, Courtney, for these valuable tips!
Best wishes for you and your family for good health through this national emergency.
Thank you 💞💞
Where do you get your Thieves oil and what kind do you use?
I buy Thieves from my midwife who sells Young Living. 🙂
Great Ideas! I love the sock idea!
My daughter cloth diapers my granddaughter. She also has made a ton of cloth wipes that we use in a warmer. If we run out of TP I KNOW what we will be using! I might need to get the serger out and make more! We practice so many things you mentioned on a regular basis. Too bad others do not practice good health. My husband is 72 and I’m 60. We do not plan on getting anything and we don’t get any vaccines. Thanks for the ideas and reminding us of anything we might have forgotten. Stay healthy! On my way to check out Bidet attachment……
Love all of this. 🙂