– “Don’t You KNOW That You’re TOXIC?!”

If you walked into a Whole Foods Market a few days before New Year’s Day you couldn’t miss it. “Detox Kits” and “Whole Body Cleanses” sat in pyramid stacks throughout the store. So what does it mean to detox? Are we that toxic to begin with? Is it as easy as buying a kit, a bottle of pills, or a jar of juice?

“Detox” is short for “detoxification.” We all have toxins within us. They come from what we eat and drink, what we put on our body, the air we breathe, and even the mist in the shower. Toxic thoughts can also create chemical reactions within our bodies that can pollute our systems. This week I want everyone to pay careful attention to what you put into your body:

Food: If your food comes from a box, bag, or can chances are it has toxic preservatives in it. Stabilizers, flavor preservers, and colors and dyes are all additives or preservatives. Diet products containing artificial sweeteners are highly toxic. This week I will give you ways to help lesson your dependency on these pre-packaged foods, thus eliminating toxins! I will also discuss the benefits and my experience with Hydrocolon Therapy or “Colonics.”

Plastics: Phthalates are used in plastic bottles, plastic wrap, and many plastic toys. They’re EVERYWHERE and difficult to avoid. Join me to find some plastic alternatives for CHEAP.

Tap Water: Our water supply is being dangerously polluted and contaminated. Modern living has made toxic chemicals unavoidable and many people, including myself at one time live with an “out of sight out of mind” perspective. We use a water filter on about every spout in the house! I’ll share with you where to find the best and cheapest!

Air: Asbestos in older buildings, smoggy city air, and moldy and chemical-laden household air. All of these contaminate with toxins. This one is still a lesson in progress for me as well. Join in for the discussion.

Various Chemicals: Most of the shampoos, face wash, deodorants, lotions, diaper rash creams, laundry detergent, toothpaste, fingernail polish, hair color, hairsprays, colognes, and perfumes contain toxic chemicals. The skin is the largest organ in our body and takes in what you give it. I’m giving home-made skin care and “No-Poo” a try. Come along and try it with me!

Pump it Out! “Rebounding” is an exercise done on a high-quality trampoline designed to pump the lymph in your immune system in an optimal way. EXERCISE aids the detoxification process, but jumping on a rebounder does it in a way that’s truly “out of this world”- defying gravity.

When healing from a major illness you don’t always know what caused it. This is why detoxification is so important. I remember being overwhelmed with all of this at first. I felt like I had to throw away my whole house (and being just married with a brand new registry of gifts it was REALLY hard for me!!) Take a deep breath and be slow to anger. I used to get REALLY angry when people would tell me to stop drinking Diet Coke too. 

Please visit this week to find out how to ease gently into detoxifying your body and life!

(and sorry if you have Britney’s “Toxic” in your head all day long! “You’re TOXIC I’m slippin’ UNDER!”)

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– “Don’t You KNOW That You’re TOXIC?!”