Foods YOU Need! – Cancer Fighting Spices

(This is part of an ongoing series called Foods YOU Need!)

While fighting cancer, I was strategic to use particular spices in the food I ate. I knew the research on these spices. I knew which spice induced apoptosis (cancer cell suicide)  and which slowed growth of tumors. Over the past couple years I have forgotten the function of these spices and have grown accustomed to adding them into my diet without remembering their awesome healing powers. Here is a brief review for myself and hopefully a quick lesson for you!

Turmeric Root

Turmeric- The main cancer fighting compound in turmeric is curcumin, a powerful polyphenol. Turmeric can be bought in its original state (looks kind of like a hard brownish/orange worm) at a Farmer’s Market, Whole Foods or health foods store. Its cancer fighting potential has been widely studied and confirmed. Other abilities turmeric has: anti-inflammatory properties (treats IBS and other digestive maladies,  arthritis, and reproductive issues caused by inflammation.) Curry, a spice found in Indian food contains turmeric. Turmeric has been shown to be effective against many types of cancers including some lymphomas.  I add 1 turmeric piece to my smoothies several times a week. Any dish cooked with curry would also be a great way to add more turmeric into your diet.  I also read in a legitimate MD Anderson study that adding black pepper and olive oil with your turmeric makes it much more effective.

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne- Capsaicin is what gives cayenne its spiciness, but it turns out it is also responsible for its cancer fighting super powers. Cayenne is also incredibly nourishing to the heart and other organs in the body. In one study of cayenne’s effects on prostate cancer in mice, it showed to reduce the cancer by 80% by encouraging cancer cell apoptosis. Add cayenne to beans and rice dishes, smoothies, or drink caynne (1/4 tsp to 1/2- 1 c water) for a straight to your cells cayenne bath! HOT!

Ginger Root

Ginger- Has been shown to either inhibit growth or encourage cancer cell apoptosis in both digestive and reproductive cancers. Also aids in digestive disorders and nausea. Ginger goes GREAT in a smoothie (I put about a 1 inch size piece) or brew as a tea in a cup of hot water.

These are only the three spices I add to my food most. I’m sure there are many other spices that kick cancer’s butt out there and I would love to hear about them! Feel free to add on at the bottom of this post! Please use organic when possible and SPICE IT UP!!!! 🙂

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6 thoughts on “Foods YOU Need! – Cancer Fighting Spices

    • YES- I usually just throw about a 1/2-1 inch piece of turmeric in my smoothie. Be careful not to put anymore than this unless you want a NASTY smoothie. Counter the taste with a whole large apple in your smoothie that day.

  1. I love these three spices! I have recently been suffering from what my doctor called stress induced IBS, but I knew differently. I looked furiously for a solution, but I couldn’t really find anything until I found Turmeric. I quickly went to my local Whole Foods and got some fresh and some as a supplement. After one day of taking the supplement my problems were relieved. I love adding cayenne to my dishes because the heat takes away my life-long craving for table salt. And ginger! I love adding it to my freshly squeezed and pressed juices!