Green Drink Commitments- April/ May


Life has been so EXCITING lately that I haven’t even thought about writing a commitment reflection. If you haven’t done so already, check out the movie my 4th grade class made on The idea started when I learned how Apple was partnering with textbook companies to create digital textbooks for the iPad. My 4th graders and I decided to gather our facts and write persuasive papers on WHY this technology is the inevitable replacement of the paper textbook!

We took it a little further and combined the kids’ ideas to make a short presentation for the principal and their parents. It was our principal who loved it and suggested I film it and send it to Apple. My husband and I worked together to write a grant to produce a movie that would be worthy of Apple’s attention. We won the grant and over 5 days filmed the movie in my classroom. We also started the website, to house our video and hopefully host more “Common Sense” projects in the future. My class and I are now anxiously awaiting a response from Apple and the various textbook companies they are partnering with.

So, Green Drink Diaries has been pushed aside for a little while to pursue this project, and so have my Commitments. Fortunately with commitments, we have the whole year to digest and work on them!

April/ May Commitment Reflection:

Physical- Daily “Holy Yoga”- I am embarrassed about this one. I LOVE yoga when I make the time for it, but it is so hard to slow down and relax for it. Regarding physical exercise, chasing my daughter at the playground is about the only kind I’ve been getting lately…and I am just fine with that. For now.

Nutritional- Budwig Protocol consistent and increased juicing. – Juicing? Loving it. VERY happy with my nutritional progress.

Educational- Read “Relearning to See: Improve Your Eyesight Naturally!” and apply.  I am excited to say I have finished most of this monstrous book and look forward to writing more about it in the future on Green Drink Diaries. Until then, if you’re interested in learning more about Natural Vision Therapy, check out Relaxing your vision back to clarity is NOT easy, but I am finding that is indeed legitimate. The forum on that particular website is very helpful.

Relational- Focus on 1-2 Friends and connect with one friend a week, forgive myself for not writing thank-you notes and calling or emailing instead.  I LOVE my friends. I am so thankful that they have chosen to invest in me. I still find that if I don’t stay on this one, I will easily get off track. I am glad for monthly reflections to help with this.

Financial- Purchases only from Debit card. Give 10% of my income away.  YES!

Emotional/ Spiritual- Pray for Confidence and Boldness for myself. Relax my guilt.  There are always convictions that pop up while in prayer. I am thankful for these, as they keep me pressing towards God’s will for me. I hope to seize more opportunities that pop up to practice boldness!

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6 thoughts on “Green Drink Commitments- April/ May

  1. Hey Courtney. I work with your dad.. my main question is that if you had to pick one a juicer or a blender which one would you get…… I bought a juicer but it seems like  you are limited

    • Hi Teresa!

      There are many different juicers on the market depending on price point and how you plan on using your juicer. Forinstance, if you plan on drinking the juice right away and not storing it for a few hours, a centrifugal juicer works great. These are typically more affordable. A lot of the juicers you see advertised in infomercials are centrifugal juicers. The downside is that the juice will start breaking down and losing nutrients if not consumed within an hour or so of juicing.

      A masticating juicer works much slower than a centrifugal juicer, but the juice stays fresh longer since it is not heated during the juicing process. Masticating juicers seem to be more popular with the health nuts I come across. They tend to be pricier.

      Here is a great article I found comparing the two kinds:

      I have a Breville centrifugal juicer that cleans in less than 5 minutes. MY priority was “CLEANS EASILY” when we bought our juicer! (:

  2. Hi, Courtney!…just wanted to respond to this truly inspiring and lovely post. :)…Your Commitment Reflections are right on target for important things for focus that often get pushed to the side in favor of more “pressing immediacies”! I love your intentions..,.especially “… confidence and boldness”; and giving the money away!!!!!!!…Yay!!…lets quit hoarding as a society and realize that there’s plenty!!… Sharing brings us into contact with our own inherent abundance. Sharing what we have lets us realize we have something to share; and we’re still “OK”. 🙂 Thank you for your website and your efforts. And Yay on CommonSenseKids!!!….Awesome!