Green Drink Commitments- March


“March Madness” has begun at my school. If anyone has had children in public schools under “No Child Left Behind,” then you know what I mean: STANDARDIZED TESTING! And the crunch to prepare 25 children to show what they learned throughout 8 months of a school year- on ONE test.

“No Child Left Behind”  could have also been named “No Teacher Left Behind,” because that’s how I feel today. BE-HIND…and overwhelmed.

Yesterday afternoon I realized it was time to change the month on my board today- I have a laminated “MARCH” with a smiley and rainbow coming off of it into a pot of gold- which also has a smiley face on it. I wish March made me feel smiley! I really will write about my commitments today…eventually.

So it is time for my March Commitment Reflection:

Physical- Daily “Holy Yoga” Last month I did decently with this, but have become much better at telling myself “I will exercise for 15 minutes!” Most days I go longer. Some days I have been just putting on my shoes and running like Forrest. I have been “getting in” Holy Yoga when I can, but the key is making sure my daughter is in bed on time. I miss her while being at work all day…and it doesn’t always happen. <sigh>

Nutritional- Budwig Protocol consistent and increased juicing. Juicing? CHECK, Once a week like my commitment said. Budwig? CHECK! (:

Educational- Read “Relearning to See: Improve Your Eyesight Naturally!” and apply.  Continuing to love “Relearning to See” and wear my glasses less which has been liberating…but I still have 20/200 vision (which I have learned means that I can only see at 20 feet what a person with “normal sight” can see at 200 feet.) Lovely!

Relational- Focus on 1-2 Friends and connect with one friend a week, forgive myself for not writing thank-you notes and calling or emailing instead.  This one has been tough, but I have been trying. Changing grades this year has kept me very busy and working 10 hour days or more at school everyday. This weekend I will see 2 of my wonderful friends!

Financial- Purchases only from Debit card. Give 10% of my income away.  YES!

Emotional/ Spiritual- Pray for Confidence and Boldness for myself. Relax my guilt.  This one should always be evolving. Lately I have had to really check myself with complaining. That one will really deplete your energy and your optimism. I had to make a list at school with advice (to myself) for when I feel stressed. Praying through it and humbling myself before God, asking for his help has been the BEST for ridding myself of this nasty heart issue.

See you back for another update in April! (:

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4 thoughts on “Green Drink Commitments- March

  1. Hi 🙂 I was diagnosed with Stage 2 breast cancer December 1, 2011. I have 4 beautiful children and am a nurse. Scared and confused, I let my oncologist design my treatment plan without questioning anything. I just finished chemotherapy and am suppose to have surgery and radiation next. During the last 2 months of chemo, my sister and I have been pouring over research for alternative treatments. I found your website through chris beat cancer, and am so happy that I did. Youhave given me the last bit of inspiration i need to fight this battle. I have ordered Bill Henderson’s book, and am confident that that is the program I want to follow (with maybe a few additions). My question to you is are you only doing juicing once a week now? ..or is that in addition to the green smoothies? Also, I have estrogen positive cancer, and have read that dairy can be an estrogen stimulator…do you have any thoughts on that?

    • Hi Jennifer!

      I am so glad to be of any help! You touched on that issue of FEAR that I discuss often on my blog. That’s what I tell anyone- that no matter what treatment plan anyone chooses, make sure it gives you reassurance, not just because they are afraid and their doctor is demanding an answer. It must be a decision of peace- which is why you are here now. This route gives you peace. (:

      Bill’s book will educate you which will give confidence. Make sure to read my series on Holistic Cancer Treatment. I discuss many of the important aspects of fighting cancer holistically such as an advocate and developing the confidence to face any critics or naysayers.

      I am more of a smoothie girl and have never juiced as much as many others who went my same route. I simply did not have the time since I taught elementary school at the same time I was beating my cancer
      (and still do!). Smoothies were more practical for me, but juicing is tremendous for your body as well. Stick with the vegetable juices primarily and make sure you’re getting enough calories.

      Check out the Holistic and Alternative Cancer Support group on Facebook for your question regarding the dairy. Those ladies are unbelievable with supporting each other! Many of them are fighting breast cancer holistically! I know of many women with breast cancer who are on the Budwig (Cottage Cheese Flaxseed Oil) Protocol and have not heard about the estrogen issue. Perhaps it’s an organic/ conventional dairy issue? I’m thinking that the benefit of the Budwig protocol (and it’s such a small amount- only 2/3 cup organic CC a day) would outweigh any assumed risk. Those are just my “Thoughts” (: I am NOT a doctor, but they might not know either…hehe.

  2. Good job Courtney. Keep up the good work. I thought Georgia did away with the “No Child Left Behind” Program? Guess it’s too early for it to have been implemented yet — especially with Atlanta Public Schools. They are probably just trying to get over their embarrassment of the cheating teachers! Ha! Hang in there. I’m sure you’ve taught your kids well. They come from loving families and are probably smarter than the average Joe! Pam