Searching for online alternative cancer support? I’ve learned that it’s pretty normal to feel alone when you choose to treat your cancer naturally. It comes with the territory.
You eventually get used to it- feeling a bit like an outcast amongst even your closest loved ones. But it’s our doctors and medical team that can be the most discouraging since our choice is one that goes against mainstream belief about cancer treatment. A community of cancer “thrivers” who are coming from a similar place as you are would be amazing, right? Thankfully nowadays this is totally a reality.
I would have loved to have known about the below online groups when I chose to treat my cancer naturally in 2008. It would have brought such peace and comfort to me to know that others were feeling the same way I was: alone at times, doubtful at times, scared at times, empowered at times- a range of emotions to deal with mostly on my own and questions I didn’t know who to ask.
If you’re dealing with cancer or helping a loved one, spend some time checking out these groups. And if you are a member of an alternative cancer group that is not in this list, feel free to drop the URL in the comments below and I’ll add it to the list!
You need to have a profile to access and become a member of each of these groups. If you are not a member of Facebook yet and privacy is a concern, know that you can change your security and privacy settings so that people can’t search for you on Facebook and you’ll only be active in the groups you choose to become a member of.
(And a quick side note, you can LIKE the Anti-Cancer Mom Facebook PAGE while you’re there.
Bill Henderson Protocol Support Group:
This group is newly created and moderated by me with permission from the late Bill Henderson. Expect all topics related to the Bill Henderson Protocol and very honest conversation about what it’s like to try to live a normal life while on the BHP.
This group has over 18,000 “Gersonites,” or members supportive of the Gerson Therapy as of the time of this post. It is a very active and positive group that seem like family to each other.
Anti-Cancer Mom Facebook Page: My Facebook page with wonderful people and conversation.
HealingStrong_Connect: An online group connecting members of HealingStrong natural healing support groups around the world. Find local support groups in over 100 cities around the world at
ChrisBeatCancer: Chris Warks website/ blog with excellent conversation and helpful information from someone who actually lives the anti-cancer lifestyle. His Facebook page also has excellent community and conversation.
Survived Breast Cancer Alternatively:
Started by a natural breast cancer survivor, this group is exclusively for natural/alternative breast cancer support.
Breast Cancer- Curing Through Nature:
This group is very active and worth checking out if you’re looking to connect with other women with breast cancer.
Yet another wonderful breast cancer group. These ladies know their stuff! Lots of excellent resources here.
Natural Healing and Cancer Cures Research: Over 25,000 members. A lot of questions being asked and ideas bouncing around.
Curing Cancer Naturally: A very active group of all things alternative cancer.
Alternative and Holistic Cancer Support:
Shares supportive information about alternative cancer therapies. Questions are usually answered quickly by natural cancer survivors or cancer coaches.
Cancer 101 – Healing from Cancer – Testimonials, Resources, and Discussion:
This one is exactly as it says and has over 2,000 members.
Ian Jacklin’s group, who created the I Cure Cancer documentary. This group’s daily feed features articles relating to Alternative Cancer Therapies and Survivor stories.
Cellect is a multi-mineral supplement that many OBSERVE is effective in reducing cancer symptoms and healing cancer. Many of its members are using Cellect as a last resort after conventional treatment did not work for them, but there are also those who are using Cellect first to see if it will work before beginning chemotherapy or radiation.
Essiac Tea Users Facebook Group: Essiac Tea users support group. Very active with lots of conversation daily.
Just like with Facebook, you will need to have a username to join.
Started in 2002 and with over 20,000 members, this group discusses the Budwig Protocol and discusses all kinds of topics relating to it. Use the search bar to search for particular issues you might be having or testimonies of people healing from certain diseases.
CancerCured Alternative Cancer Treatment
Support group for those using alternative treatments to heal. This one has been around since 1999, so there are plenty of posts to search through, or ask your own new question.
For those wanting to discuss/research the effectiveness of black salve on melanomas, breast cancer, and other lesions.
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See more posts on anti-cancer lifestyle and diet and alternative cancer treatments HERE.
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New book – Coffee or Chemo?
Cancer no longer scares but conventional treatment does
Thank you for this post! My husband has been diagnosed with cancer and he’s going natural treatment….. I totally support him but I do feel so alone….. I’m glad I found your page. Before this I was in another cancer support group but they were all chemo lovers, and I felt very out of place. Thank you!!!!!
You’re welcome!!!
Yay!! I am so glad you found it!!
Hello…my husband just started his alternative treatment and is losing weight. Just wondering if anyone has any tips to stimulate his appetite.
Thank you.
I came across the Black Salve skin cancer group by accident and would be very very interested in joining the group, as at present I am treating a skin cancer that is affecting both my ears + all round my neck + different parts of my body. I am using Black Salve and it is working.
How do I go about joining this group?
You need to go the page. Click on the link in this post and follow the directions.
Hello, I thought this group would help if you could recommend the best group for serious carcinoma cancer. My sister was just diagnosed with this horrible disease. I have been doing a lot of research but having a hard time knowing if it’s right or not. I would love to talk with some people who are going thru the same thing and their thoughts on all of it. We are very lost here. Thank you
Join of all of them and ask around.
My daughter is restoring her body to wellness. She is treating her colon tumour with a therapy based in Mexico and alternatives here in Perth Australia.
Dear Courtney: Good site! I appreciate all the good information as well as your establishing the BH support group on facebook, which I joined after receiving Bill’s e-mail. I’m now 78 years old and have had 3 cancer bouts over the past 15 years. What I’ve learned is now posted on my site at It is primarily intended to educate Christians & Seniors on Emergency & Health Tips & Resources. I try and primarily personally follow the BH protocol for prevention, but do use the brand of whole food vitamins. Be aware that the Advantage brand, although a decent deal for $ involved, has considerable synthetics along with some natural content, depending on which vitamin it is. A source can legally per FDA advertise as natural with as little as 10% true
naturals involved (go figure). The 3 top all-natural (whole food) vitamins are Mega Food, Garden of Life and New Charter (per Mike Adams the Health Ranger at The natural D3 is
87% better than the D2 synthetic per Dr. Joseph Mercola, and the natural E is 50% better than synthetic E according to Dr. Andrew Saul (, etc. However, he does approve of the synthetic C as OK as both involve ascorbic acid and synthetic is cheaper for mega-dose needs. Again, thanks for your very helpful site! May the Good Lord Bless You BIG! Joe Lanier in Jasper, Texas…
(please feel free to consider this a private e-mail rather than a post request)
can you send me infoon mexican diet.
Oh thank you thank you thank you!!! These groups are going to be so encouraging to me!! I’m so excited! You write so beautifully and capture the exact feelings I have – so amazing and so true that only another cancer thriver can understand. Thank you so much for your blog. You have helped me more than you will ever know.