Cup of Joy Ministries Health Talk with Sandra Stanley

This morning I was so honored to be asked by my friend Sandra Stanley to give a health talk and smoothie demonstration for Atlanta-based, Cup of Joy Ministries. What a WONDERFUL group of women with a heart for Jesus and for leading others in relationship with Him. I couldn’t help but relate how honoring our bodies by eating mostly plant-based, unadulterated food could only bring us closer in relationship to the One who created us!

I shared this, along with my cancer story there, but also a whole bunch of tips and resources, a few of which I wanted to go head and place here on the blog. Here they go…

Making Lemonade from Lemons- My “Overdue” Stevia Lemonade Recipe

I HATE “due dates.” I have been meaning to publish this post for weeks now, but in my last few weeks of this pregnancy, my motivation has been my worst enemy. I am sitting here now with my second child’s “due date” being YESTERDAY. I am officially “overdue” at a time when it seems that everyone and their mother (really- their mothers too) are telling me their birth stories of how their second children were born EARLY and their labor was so FAST.

Just this morning, our good friend who was due 10 days after me went into labor with their FIRST child. We are anxiously awaiting the birth of their sweet boy or girl, but my more human, wordly side wonders WHY ON EARTH is my second baby OVERDUE when the word on the street is that second births are typically early?

I know- you are probably so over my whining. Honestly, I am too! I am grateful for this “overdue” baby after a miscarriage last summer, when I swore I would be pregnant for 1,000 months if I knew it would result in a healthy baby.

This post is my effort to get my impatient self together and make some lemonade from lemons- in more ways than one.

Healing Strong Conference and Retreat: Atlanta September 13-15, 2013

This past Fall I received an email from Suzy Griswold, a holistic thyroid cancer survivor also living here in Atlanta. I was so excited to meet someone in-person with the same background/experience in cancer treatment I had! We met up over green tea in December when she shared with me her God-given desire to create a cancer retreat that would support/educate people about non-toxic therapies with all glory given to God.

I couldn’t have been more on board or excited at the prospect of bringing people together to learn about cancer therapies that would RESTORE and HEAL the body, all while praising the one who HEALS us!

The Ultimate Cancer Fighting Kitchen: What Kind of Juicer Should I Buy?

I knew that if I wanted this series to be complete, I would HAVE to include a post on juicing. The problem is- I am admittedly NOT a juicing expert. Because I used the Bill Henderson protocol to beat my cancer (which does not require or even suggest much juicing,) I did not know about the immense POWER and popularity of juiced vegetables in the anti-cancer lifestyle until later in my anti-cancer protocol.

So with that in mind, I called in my AMAZING friend Kayle Martin to cover this one for me!

I met Kayle in January of 2009, a few months after both of us were diagnosed with cancer, Kayle at 30 and me at 26. We both were seeking help and detox at the Living Foods Institute here in Atlanta. I got to know Kayle much better after two days at LFI when my husband and I invited her to stay with us at our apartment so she could save money on her hotel costs. We bonded over wheatgrass shots and the fact that we had to do enemas and colonics several times daily as part of our detox protocol, not something many of our 20 and 30-something friends were experiencing along with us.

I am forever and ever grateful for the friendship that Kayle and I formed in those short 12 days together!

After leaving Atlanta, Kayle continued on her alternative/natural healing journey for several more months until deciding that a more integrated approach was fitting for her situation. She is a hard-core vegan and is extremely experienced in the area of juicing and juicers. Please visit and LIKE her Facebook page and make sure to visit her blog in the next coming months!

Natural Headache Relief, No Drugs Needed- Especially Great for PREGNANCY Headaches!

I really was quite convinced up to this point, that natural headache relief was just not possible. Because of my failed attempts at getting rid of my headaches naturally in the past, I have not been opposed to a few ibuprofen tablets for an absolutely debilitating, occasional headache.

However, being 33 weeks pregnant and have suffered from headaches more this pregnancy than I did in the 3 years between this one and my daughter, I became desperate to find something that works without causing harm to the baby.

So yesterday, after WAKING UP with the familiar head pounding, I did some searching and decided to try the following protocol during my daughter’s nap time. To my disbelief, it ACTUALLY got rid of my headache! (Oh, and YES, you may need to actually R-E-S-T for it to work.)

My Interview with Dr. Judy Seeger

Late last year I received a kind email from Dr. Judy Seeger who is a certified naturopath and founder of She asked me if I would be willing to do a short radio interview, and since I had heard her interviews with other holistic survivors before, I gladly accepted.

In the interview I discuss the various methods of treatment I used to heal from my Stage II NLP Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, the importance of my faith, and also my life post-cancer. You can listen to the interview HERE.

Dr. Seeger would definitely be a terrific option for many of you to work with if you have been diagnosed with cancer and are looking for an alternative, non-toxic route for treatment. I especially appreciate her strong belief in the emotional- spiritual connection within the healing process that can tend to be over-shadowed by nutrition-only approaches. Thank you so much for your expertise and boldness, Dr. Seeger!

The Ultimate Cancer Fighting Kitchen: Immersion Blender and Budwig “Chocolate Pudding”

The Cuisinart SmartStick Immersion Blender $30

(This post is part of the ongoing “Ultimate Cancer Fighting Kitchen” series.)

The Budwig Protocol or “Cottage Cheese/ Flaxseed Oil” is just as, if not more important than my other cancer fighting staple, the green veggie smoothie. The research of German biophysicist, Dr. Johanna Budwig is highly respected and has stood up to skeptics through over 60 years of medical progress. It’s so unfortunate that this one simple combination of food can make such a difference in fighting cancer and yet is so ignored by mainstream medicine.

The Budwig mixture is effective on its own for a more holistic approach, but it can also be combined with a chemotherapy or radiation regimen with no known interference and shows evidence of increasing effectiveness in chemotherapy treatment.

Until recently, my challenge with Budwig sat with its “unique” taste, but I am now SO HAPPY to share my latest discovery in making the Budwig protocol, could I say- DELICIOUS?

The Ultimate Cancer Fighting Kitchen: Vitamix

Vitamix TurboBlend VS: $289 – $449

(This post is the first in the ongoing “Ultimate Cancer Fighting Kitchen” series.)

The Vitamix TurboBlend (or 5200) was actually one of the only “cancer fighting” appliances I received BEFORE I was diagnosed with cancer. Costing around $450, I almost forced my husband, Kevin to return it when he gave it to me for my 26th birthday, two months before my cancer diagnosis. I couldn’t believe the price tag! For a BLENDER!!!?? I figured out that the Vitamix cannot be classified as “just a blender,” and it is well worth it’s price tag. It’s an angelic appliance with NASA-quality engineering from the heavens!

Be sure to keep up with this series (and read the rest of this post) for great deals on creating your own cancer fighting kitchen!

Paprika Slow-Cooked Chicken and Broth

I am determined on Mondays to get dinner cooking by 6am. Sounds weird, huh? If any of ya’ll are working mothers, you may have a special relationship with the Crock Pot, too. This chicken takes 15 minutes to prep and 8 hours to cook. It is my husband’s favorite new dish and my daughter gobbles it up. Its savory juice of coconut oil and warm chicken broth produces an experience that both comforts and heals much more than the soul.

Afterwards, check out my recipe and reasons to spend 5-10 extra minutes to make your own EASY Crock Pot Chicken Broth!