If you’ve been studying alternative or holistic cancer treatment for any length of time, you may have pondered how you would introduce it to a friend who hasn’t yet considered it or doesn’t know of it as an option for healing.
It can be a bit nerve-racking to think of offering such controversial “unsolicited advice.”
But when your friend or family member is diagnosed with cancer, you KNOW what they are going to be told by their oncologist, and you want them to know other options. I know for me- it feels like if I didn’t, I would be doing them a great injustice!
If you have been following my blog or simply have been researching on your own about the business-side of the pharmaceutical cancer industry for a while, then you would know that the conventional recommendations for cancer are pretty standard and (for the most part) really tough on the body. There is a time and a place for conventional care, but a dietary and lifestyle change as a first step is reasonable and important.
So how do you talk with them about dietary and lifestyle changes prior to beginning treatment? And how do you bring it up without getting push back or feeling like you’re overstepping boundaries?