How Do I Share About Alternative Cancer Treatment?

If you’ve been studying alternative or holistic cancer treatment for any length of time, you may have pondered how you would introduce it to a friend who hasn’t yet considered it or doesn’t know of it as an option for healing.

It can be a bit nerve-racking to think of offering such controversial “unsolicited advice.”

But when your friend or family member is diagnosed with cancer, you KNOW what they are going to be told by their oncologist, and you want them to know other options. I know for me- it feels like if I didn’t, I would be doing them a great injustice!

If you have been following my blog or simply have been researching on your own about the business-side of the pharmaceutical cancer industry for a while, then you would know that the conventional recommendations for cancer are pretty standard and (for the most part) really tough on the body. There is a time and a place for conventional care, but a dietary and lifestyle change as a first step is reasonable and important.

So how do you talk with them about dietary and lifestyle changes prior to beginning treatment? And how do you bring it up without getting push back or feeling like you’re overstepping boundaries?

Are You a Coronavirus “Unknown?” Antibody Testing + How I Recovered


Early last month (March, 2020) I found myself lying awake, miserably coughing without any relief for hours. Dry, DRY constant coughing for days. The second night of this was when the googling started. “How do I get tested for coronavirus?”

“Coronavirus drive-throughs Atlanta”

“Coronavirus testing Georgia”

“Where can I get tested for coronavirus?”

Do you know what results I got? Nothing helpful. Nothing telling me where to go or what to do. Just a bunch of articles telling me that if I’m sick to “see your doctor” and that testing is being mostly reserved for people who are severely sick and in hospitals (they did not add “and celebrities and politicians” but I knew that was a criterion as well.) 😉

Being someone who hasn’t been to a doctor for acute illness in over 12 years, I didn’t plan on going in unless I was absolutely getting worse. The mainstream media pretty much hammered in that there was nothing that could be done about COVID-19 anyways since they were reserving testing for the sickest of the sick. (Thankfully now – over 5 weeks later, testing is much more available!)

My Honest Review of Misfits Market Subscription Boxes

misfits market review

This past month I have received my first two subscription boxes of organic produce from Misfits Market. Their business model is noteworthy and unique and I couldn’t help but try at least ONE order to see what the experience would be like.

(UPDATE: We have now used Misfits Market for 7 months and it has only gotten better. Keep reading for reasons why I we are still ordering!)

If you haven’t heard of Misfits Market, I’ll give you a quick run down.  🍎 🍐 🍊 🍋 🍌 🍉 🍇 🍓

  • Misfits Market takes organic produce that is grown on an organic, many times local farm that is *unmarketable* to a retail grocery store and sells it at (up to) a 40% discount to its subscribers via mail.
  • “Unmarketable” could mean that it’s oddly shaped, bruised from a fall from a tree, twisted in a funny shape, etc. It could also mean that they just produced too much of it and it would go to waste if it weren’t for a middle-man company like Misfits Market.

I found it crazy to find out that BILLIONS of pounds of produce go to waste because of the issue of produce vanity. 😂

10 Things I’ve Learned 10 Years After Alternative Cancer Treatment

This past September, 2018 marked the 10-year anniversary of my cancer diagnosis. Perhaps I should say that it has flown by, but in reality it feels like a lifetime ago! Choosing alternative cancer treatment has led myself and my family down a lifestyle path I would have never imagined pre-cancer.

Pros and Cons of the Berkey Water Filter System – Complete Review

berkey water filter review

Welcome to my much overdue post on the pros and cons of the Berkey Water Filter system! My family’s journey into better health has been a long one, beginning with my cancer diagnosis in 2008 and our decision to address it using nontoxic methods. Back then we purchased an alkaline water system and wondered for years if it was something we could let go of. When it stopped working back in 2016, we knew we needed to finally do our research on the Berkey and make a decision on which water system would be best for us moving forward. After much debate we ended up choosing to buy a Berkey water filter system and this post discusses why. 🙂

My Non-Toxic Shower: Soaps, Shampoo, and Shave


So, flashback to 2008, and I didn’t know anything about harmful skin care ingredients. Learning how to treat my cancer naturally really gave me a crash course in junky beauty and hygiene products and the chemicals that make them harmful. I was working incredibly hard eating a cancer-combatting diet, implementing a detox strategy, and changing my lifestyle, so it didn’t make sense to continue to use carcinogenic chemicals on my skin. Creating a non-toxic shower experience became an absolute priority.

The most common offenders such as “sodium laurel/ laureth sulfate”, “propylene glycol,” or anything ending in the word “-paraben” are in the majority of commonly store bought products. Not only are these ingredients harmful to you, but they are washed into our water supply with little concern for the generational impact that could have. I quickly learned that when it comes to detoxifying my body, less ingredients = way more.

EASY Homemade Elderberry Syrup (with Instant Pot option)


Elderberry syrup is an essential I keep in my family’s natural remedy-based medicine cabinet, especially during the winter months. Unfortunately store-bought elderberry syrup can be incredibly expensive for how much you get and also mixed with some yucky ingredients and sugars. If you haven’t learned how to make homemade elderberry syrup yet, you are in the right place. This guide is quick, easy, and fool proof.

Healthy Hot Chocolate Recipe (Dairy, Gluten, and Sugar Free)

I was ECSTATIC when I tried this healthy hot chocolate recipe out a few years ago and it ended up actually being delicious! It meant that I could enjoy hot chocolate again for the first time since my cancer diagnosis in 2008. The bonus is that chocolate in its less-adulterated form of CACAO is actually GOOD for us. After some tweaking over the years, I finally got it exactly the way my family loves it, but there are also some options for changing it up for your individual dietary needs.

This frothy recipe with minuscule guilt-factor is extremely scrumptious and makes it hard to resist another cup. I think you’ll love it! 🙂