How Do I Use the Oil-Cleansing Method?

My entire life I have had ups and downs with my skin. Mostly downs. Recently however, I believe I have found the magic solution to help keep my skin looking its best. Believe it or not, you need to fight OIL with OIL!

(Update 2016: I have been using OCM for 5 years now and it is still AMAZING. Now into my mid-30’s and three kids later, my skin still feels like it’s at its best.)

Drink Green for St. Patty’s!

Instead of having a green beer tonight,  why not have a green smoothie! OR have both! Maybe after a beer a REALLY green smoothie will go down easier? Maybe if it’s your “first time” experience with a green smoothie, a green beer would help relax you? How about having a green smoothie this morning and a green beer tonight? Or, you can do like me and have a green smoothie for lunch and a green salad tonight. Jason’s Deli has an excellent salad bar!

Foods YOU Need! – Can We Eat to Starve Cancer?

(This is part of an ongoing series called Foods YOU Need!)

It is difficult to find official research studies in the world of holistic/alternative cancer treatment (mostly due to the lack of money in it!).  This video gives some quick insight into what is going on in the world of angiogenesis research, a burgeoning attack plan for alternative and allopathic cancer patients.

Foods YOU Need! – Cruciferous Vegetables

(This is part of an ongoing series called Foods YOU Need!)

I am a huge fan of the vegetables in the cruciferous family and NO, it is not for their flavor! They truly are unique in their health and life-giving components! They fight cancer and are also high in fiber and vitamins and minerals. If the healthy info doesn’t interest you,  no biggie. Just scroll down to the bottom to get some FABULOUS new recipes to help you get more of this good stuff!

Foods YOU Need! – Dark Leafy Greens

(This is part of an ongoing series called Foods YOU Need!)

I preach the green stuff, but why do I believe in it like I do? Why do I chug down 64oz of it everyday?

Dark Leafy Greens like spinach, kale, romaine, baby lettuces, and chard should all be in our dietary forefront. We may wish they tasted better, but maybe by knowing WHY they are so good for us, we will want to make a better effort to eat them!

DETOX: Do Rebounders Help With Cancer?

When I first heard about rebounding for cancer, I thought it was a complete joke. How could jumping on a mini-trampoline help me with my cancer diagnosis? Is it even scientific that rebounders help with cancer at all? The science behind rebounding exercise is both interesting and convincing.

When I first wrote this post back in February of 2011, I was barely past my cancer diagnosis. It is amazing to be here 15 years later as a family of eight and have so much perspective! I am so grateful for my rebounder and we have tons of fun on it daily. I still highly recommend the Cellerciser because I have now seen how it has held up and of course, being cancer free, I wonder its role in supporting my immune system over the years.