Savory Rainbow Lunch Smoothie!

“Mom, these would be a lot easier to eat if you smoothied them!”

It is time for us to STEP UP. Treating our bodies as if they are replaceable can only go on for so long. Eventually your body will get your attention. You might be 26 (like I was) or you might be 80. It might be cancer (like me) or arthritis, or Irritable Bowel Syndrome, or chronic headaches, or Type 2 diabetes, or skin issues, or aches and pains, or infertility or…………..

I cannot downplay the importance of  your DIET.  Did you know that today’s youth are the first generation predicted to live shorter lives than their parents? I recently finished a science unit teaching my 5th graders about atoms. They were shocked when I shared with them that the carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen atoms that make up their bodies could have once made up a tree, a cloud, or a DINOSAUR!!! They couldn’t believe it.

The same concept applies to us and the atoms we put in our bodies. Will they be the chemically altered molecules that make up processed and modified foods?  OR will they be pure, unadulterated food from the ground and small amounts of healthy animal sources?

AntiCancerMom is all about life change, but I want to make it EASY. I am not an overly scientific person, so if you’re looking for a scientific background here, there are other excellent websites that offer that. I want to make the DOING of health easier for you.

To start, replace your lunch with a savory green smoothie. This is not dessert. It’s all about the veggies. Here it goes:

Savory Green Smoothie

(organic produce if possible!)

1 tomato

2 whole carrots

1 yellow pepper (or any color you’d like!)

1/2 apple

2 large handfuls of spinach, chard, or romaine

1/2 avocado

1/2 c cooked lentils or beans

(optional) 1/2″ x 1/2″ piece of ginger root

2-3 cups water (add 2 first and then add more water as needed.)

Put top ingredients in first. You’ll want their juices to help mix the smoothie. This blends best in a Vitamix, but if you have a regular blender it will mix the same, you just may need to help the veggies drop own into the blade and may have a grittier texture.

THIS will FILL YOU UP! Think about it! What if you ate a salad this big? PLUS it takes less time to eat than a salad.

I suggest you drink this COOL not cold and chug 4-6 oz at a time to start. I store my green smoothies in two 32 oz mason jars with BPA free lids. If green things and vegetables bother you, hold your nose if you need to. This is about your HEALTH! MAKE it FUN!!! Be SO proud of yourself! Share with friends what you’re doing. Encourage them to do it with you! Your body and theirs will love you for it!

P.S. moms, my 17 month old daughter LOVES this one. Drinking it from a straw makes it even better. 🙂

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6 thoughts on “Savory Rainbow Lunch Smoothie!

  1. Cauliflower and brewers yest as mock rice is delicious, I have never used it in a smoothie – will try that … also using cooked beans in the “soup” is a clever idea, have never done that either … will do too.

    thanks Courtney for the wonderful work you do with your site … how in the world do you get time to do it all … you are the Bhradrakali of energy .
    hugs and green cheers

    • Hey Janne! Yah, I tend to lean towards the “what is easiest but still healthy” side. I will def do the cauliflower with Brewer’s yeast. Keep tricking Ruby-Claire while I can. 🙂

  2. Yum, I will try that recipe. My baby is the exact same age as yours and she LOVES green smoothies! Except mine are rather thick so she eats them with a spoon out of a bowl, lol. I wish I could get her to drink from a straw, I need to practice with her.

    I made one today with cauliflower, spinach, avocado, apple, romaine and dulse. I can’t wait to find some organic peaches, I am dying to have a peach smoothie.

  3. You’d be so proud! I am on day 3 of drinking a 64 oz smoothie for lunch! It’s a little rough getting it down at first, but it got easier as the week went on. It didn’t taste bad, it was just weird tasting vegetables in that texture. You’re right… I AM proud of myself. 🙂