The Budwig Protocol is the common name for the diet and lifestyle developed by Dr. Johanna Budwig in the 1950’s to help restore otherwise hopeless, advanced cancer patients back to health.
Note: “The Budwig Protocol for Cancer” was originally published on January 26, 2011 and has been updated in 2024.
The Budwig Protocol For Cancer
Dr. Johanna Budwig has been referred to as a top European cancer research scientist, biochemist, blood specialist, German pharmacologist, and physicist. She is known and highly respected around the world, even still today as Germany’s premier biochemist.
In the 1940’s, she discovered a new process of analyzing the composition of fats using chromatography paper. She used this to distinguish unsaturated fats from saturated fats which led to her further study of polyunsaturated fats and eventually her discovery of the danger of trans-fats. (I’ll get more into this below.)
Her discovery of the effect of fats in the overall health of the body led Dr. Budwig to become interested in understanding anything that could interfere with the natural process of cellular oxygen uptake in healthy cells and eventually cancer cells.

Dr. Otto H. Warburg
Dr. Warburg and the Metabolic Cancer Theory
Following the work of Dr. Otto Warburg (himself a Nobel Prize winner,) Dr. Budwig studied how cancer cells are anaerobic- this means that they thrive in a low-oxygen environment. Instead, they rely primarily on GLUCOSE (sugar) to survive.
This is the reason that people with cancer should avoid processed sugar as much as absolutely possible – because isolated sugar fuels cancer cell replication through aerobic glycolysis, or sugar fermented into lactic acid.
Even though Dr. Warburg discovered this and studied it further, he passed away before he was able to find a way to restore the anaerobic cancer cell to its original aerobic, healthy function and metabolism. This is where Dr. Budwig came in.
Dr. Budwig developed her “Oil-Protein Diet” to combat cancer in the 1950’s in post-war Germany when the use of chemotherapy for cancer was in its infancy. Picking up where Dr. Warburg left off, Dr. Budwig believed she discovered the reason why our healthy cells become anaerobic in the first place.
According to her, it is quite simple:
In order for our bodies’ cells to process oxygen as fuel, they need certain enzymes to be present in the fat content of the foods we eat. However, because so much of the Standard American Diet (SAD diet) consists of chemically-treated, processed, sugar-laden, denatured foods, the necessary enzymes our bodies require for cellular respiration have been destroyed and in some cases even replaced by manufactured fats (i.e. trans fats) which are completely useless to the body.
Over time, this sets up a whole host of problems from heart disease, to skin and lung problems, to brain and liver problems, to diabetes and immune deficiency syndromes, to cancer. Simply put, to remain HEALTHY, our cells NEED to be able to process oxygen and use it efficiently, and the Budwig diet provides this.
The “Oil Protein Diet” and Cancer
Dr. Budwig discovered that when she combined sulfur-rich proteins like quark (common in Europe) or cottage cheese (U.S. equivalent) with highly unsaturated essential fatty acids, like those rich in omega-3’s found in flaxseed oil, the unsaturated fatty acids bonded molecularly with the sulphuric proteins.
This bond made the flaxseed oil water-soluble, enabling it to be absorbed instantly and effortlessly through the cellular membrane. In turn, the instant flood of vital nutrients, energy-rich electrons, and essential enzymes to all cells (remember, the enzymes were what was missing in the first place) acted as a spark that re-ignited their ability to burn oxygen, thus encouraging restoration of ALL cells to a healthy aerobic state.
Skeptical of this, in 1990, Dr. Budwig’s findings were re-examined by Dr. Dan C. Roehm M.D. FACP (oncologist and former cardiologist). After his own testing, Dr. Roehm concluded:
“This diet is far and away the most successful anti-cancer diet in the world. What she (Dr. Johanna Budwig) has demonstrated to my initial disbelief but lately, to my complete satisfaction in my practice is: CANCER IS EASILY CURABLE, the treatment is dietary/ lifestyle, the response is immediate; the cancer cell is weak and vulnerable; the precise biochemical breakdown point was identified by her in 1951 and is specifically correctable, in vitro (test-tube) as well as in vivo (real)…” _Dr. Dan C. Roehm M.D. FACP, oncologist & former cardiologist, in “Townsend Letter for Doctors”, July 1990
Dr. Roehm added: “I only wish that all my patients had a PhD in Biochemistry and Quantum Physics to enable them to see how with such consummate skill this diet was put together. It is a wonder.”
As Dr. Roehm mentions, it is important to note that even though the cottage cheese-flaxseed oil mixture is the cornerstone of the Budwig’s diet, it is NOT the entirety of her lifestyle protocol. Dr. Budwig also emphasized the importance of raw foods, a vegetarian diet, low stress levels, and healthy amounts of sun exposure. More detailed information on the science behind CCFO as well as how to implement Dr. Budwig’s full protocol can be found in her two books: Flax Oil As a True Aid Against Arthritis, Heart Infarction, Cancer and Other Diseases, and The Oil-Protein Diet Cookbook.
Full Budwig Protocol Schedule
(From Dr. Budwig’s Cookbook)
Drink 8 ounce glass of sauerkraut juice
Budwig Linomel-Muesli
- using a coffee grinder, grind 2 Tbsp flax seeds, set aside
- Combine 1 tsp honey, 3 Tbsp milk, and 3 Tbsp of flaxseed oil and blend with immersion blender.
- Gradually add in 3.5 ounces (100g) of cottage cheese or quark and blend some more. A little more milk can be added.
- You can flavor this mixture differently each day with nuts, berries, banana, fruit juice, shredded coconut, vanilla, cinnamon, etc.
- Always eat the oil-protein mixture within 20-25 minutes of making it
Mid-Morning Snack:
Drink 8 ounces freshly juiced carrot, celery, beet, or apple juice (or a combination).
Raw salad with Oil-Protein mixture on top
- To make oil-protein mixture, blend 2 Tbsp flaxseed oil, 2 Tbsp milk and 2 Tbsp cottage cheese or quark. Once blended, combine with mustard, Celtic sea salt, choice of herbs, or salsa.
(You can see all of my cancer fighting salad recipes HERE or in my Anti-Cancer Lifestyle Guide with over 25 recipes and 5 days of meal plans HERE.)
Afternoon Snack:
Drink 8 ounces of pure vegetable-fruit juice combo with 1-2 Tbsp of ground flaxseed oil.
Should be light and early, around 6pm.
- Cooked rice, buckwheat, or oats paired with vegetable soup and Oleolox (read more about how to prepare in Dr. Budwig’s cookbook. I haven’t personally eaten it.)
My Thoughts: 15 Years After Cancer
It has been 13 years since I originally wrote this post, and I have learned a lot about Dr. Budwig’s findings since then. Most importantly (and kind of surprising,) was that once I really dug into her cookbooks, I realized that the cottage cheese-flaxseed oil recipe I had been following from Bill Henderson’s book for many years was not at all what Dr. Budwig had her patients doing.
Whereas Bill Henderson’s “mixture” was a full dose of cottage cheese (2/3 cup) and flaxseed oil (6 Tbsp) once a day WITHOUT the ground flaxseeds, Dr. Budwig instructed her patients to eat a smaller dose (3.5 ounces of cottage cheese + 3 Tbsp flaxseed oil then add 2 Tbsp freshly ground flaxseeds) several times a day along with fruits, vegetables and their juices.
Even with Bill Henderson’s deviation from Dr. Budwig’s ratio, I ate his version of the Budwig mixture below for seven years and my cancer was in remission after six months and has been in remission since.
Here’s the recipe I used:
Simple Budwig Mixture Recipe: (from Bill Henderson’s “Cancer Free” book)
- 2/3 cup organic cottage cheese (I like Nancy’s brand since it does not have carrageenan or other additives.)
- 6 tbsp flaxseed oil
- optional: add berries, bananas, or nuts to taste and also stevia
Directions: Mix by hand first and then blend it with an immersion hand blender until the oil is completely mixed with the cottage cheese. A large coffee cup or soup bowl (see picture above) has worked best to mix it in. Then add other ingredients if you would like. A great video demonstrating this can be found here. Note: It is very important to mix just the cottage cheese and flaxseed oil FIRST! Wait 5 minutes after blending, then add the other ingredients and consume mixture within 25-30 minutes of making it. It cannot be stored for later as it loses its potency.
You can also try the Chocolate Budwig Pudding, Strawberry Budwig Smoothie, and Vanilla-Cinnamon Budwig Smoothie.
Frequently Asked Questions
Since 2008, I have also had some really challenging and well-informed questions from you guys, so I’m going to go over some of those here as well:
How long do you need to stay on the Budwig protocol?
I ate the Budwig mixture (from Bill Henderson’s book Cancer-Free: Your Guide to Gentle, Nontoxic Healing) along with my mostly raw vegan, organic diet for SEVEN straight years with VERY little deviation. I remember reading many years ago that Dr. Budwig recommended staying on her diet for at least FIVE years after remission, so I felt like seven years was sufficient, especially because I was still laser-focused on staying away from processed sugar, striving for gut health, and eating a mostly plant-based diet.
Now at the 10 year mark, I feel confident with my decision to transition off of the Budwig mixture at the seven year mark and it probably could have happened sooner, but no sooner than 5 years.
Do I need to add ground flax seeds to the mixture and do they need to be freshly ground?
Over the years I have learned that I never was actually on Dr. Budwig’s Protocol, something readers clued me into over the years with questions, mainly about whether I used ground flaxseed on my cottage cheese-flaxseed oil mixture. (I didn’t.)
The late Bill Henderson (whose book and protocol I used to heal), in his quest to simplify an anti-cancer healing protocol that anyone could afford and complete at home, simplified Dr. Budwig’s protocol down to a mixture that could be eaten everyday. For me, I had no problem eating the full amount in one sitting (2/3 cup cottage cheese with 6 Tbsp flaxseed oil)- something Dr. Budwig spread throughout the day into 2 or 3 servings.
If I were to do it all over again- YES- I would add in the ground flax seeds. Would it have been more work? YES. I would have had to have freshly ground my flax seeds with a coffee grinder each morning before work (you can already see in my daily anti-cancer routine– I was jam packed.) I don’t love the additional work and dishes, but it IS part of Dr. Budwig’s original recommendations.
Can I eat the Budwig mixture in two portions or do I have to eat it all at once? Can I store it for later?
For the first 7 years of eating the Budwig mixture, I had no problem eating the Bill Henderson recommended dose of 2/3 cup cottage cheese + 6 Tbsp flaxseed oil, but every now and then I would get a reader message about it being too filling or in some making them nauseous.
I always recommended for them to split the mixture in two (which is actually more in line with Dr. Budwig’s dosing. The only downside to this is it takes double the time and dishes. I also noticed it is more difficult to blend since there is less food for the blender to blend, so more splattering takes place.
Just use 1/3 cup cottage cheese and 3 Tbsp flax seed oil and blend with an immersion blender.
You can not store the mixture for later as it loses its potency.
Even after splitting the Budwig mixture in two, I still don’t feel well after eating it. What should I do?
I sympathized with this after I had my third baby, because for some reason (I blame the lack of sleep, stress, overwhelm, and lack of self-care,) my body began rejecting the mixture and it made me sick! After careful consideration, I began transitioning to a mostly plant-based, still low sugar diet due to some postpartum problems with my gallbladder and digestion.
So I know it happens.
Perhaps it is the sudden change in oil or the dairy or emotional stuff. Who knows. You need to listen to your body. Try it for a little while and try the smaller dosing and if you still don’t feel right about, consider another protocol and work with your holistic practitioner.
I am vegan, lactose intolerant, and allergic to dairy. Are their alternatives?
Dr. Budwig wrote about hundreds of people who claimed to have had a dairy intolerance that did well on her protocol. She believed that the chemical properties of the quark or cottage cheese changed when bound with the electron-rich flaxseed oil.
If you are deathly allergic to dairy, I wouldn’t try it. If you are not, then I’d give the Budwig mixture a try in the smaller dose first over the course of a few weeks. Then add in the second dose or full morning dose.
And regarding the vegan alternative: if dairy products are a moral or biological limitation for you, Dr. Budwig’s approach is probably not the right fit for you. The Gerson Protocol or a variation on that would probably be a better fit seeing that it is plant-based and well-researched and studied as well.
To alter the Budwig mixture would be to stray from what Dr. Budwig confirmed in her research and experience. I might add too that although many vegan alternatives (nuts, coconut yogurt, etc) have been discussed, the sulfuric protein in quark or cottage cheese and the Omega 6 – Omega 3 ratio it maintains with the flax seed oil is the only option that Dr. Budwig herself recommended.
It’s crazy how much can change in ten years. In revising this article, I realized how much I have learned over a decade and how much scientifically has changed in the acceptance of the metabolic cancer theory. Here are just a few studies still looking into Dr. Warburg’s research and Dr. Budwig’s writings:
Current Published Discussions About Dr. Warburg’s Metabolic Cancer Theory:
2010 Manuscript: The Warburg Effect: How Does it Benefit Cancer Cells?
2010 Manuscript: Understanding the Warburg Effect: The Metabolic Requirements of Cell Proliferation
2006 Study: Induction of oxidative metabolism by mitochondrial frataxin inhibits cancer growth: Otto Warburg revisited
Interviews/ Writings of Dr. Budwig:
Excerpt from: “Cancer- The Problem and the Solution”
Fats as True Aids- Three Lectures By Dr. Budwig
The Budwig Foundation (many primary resources and writings here translated from German!)
Dr. Budwig’s stated that healing must take place in the “body, mind, and soul!” She was firm about healing not just being from her diet, but from all aspects of our lifestyle. (You can read more about the Budwig mixture, and all aspects of an anti-cancer lifestyle in my Anti-Cancer Lifestyle Guide!)
With that said, I believe that even though I did not use Dr. Budwig’s exact protocol, the amount of oxygen and electron rich flaxseed oil combined with the sulfuric protein in the cottage cheese made a HUGE difference in my recovery and ten year remission from NLP Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
I’d love to hear your thoughts and experience, too! Feel free to leave a comment below. 🙂
I have non hodgkin’s Lymphoma, splenic marginal zone. I am praying this Budwig Diet will work for me!!I thank you for introducing it to me!!!
You are welcome! 🙂
Can we have the Budwig Mixture serve with the raw vegetables or salad similar to a salad dressing? And do you have tips when choosing a cottage cheese and the flaxseed oil? I’m in the Philippines and choices may be a little bit limited.
Yes, that’s a great way to eat it! 🙂
I just struggle with the cottage cheese part of the Budwig protocol. Cheese is a carcinogen and something I cut out completely (along with sugar and meat), after my breast cancer diagnosis. It has been 4 years since my surgery and the cancer has spread. I’m looking for new things to add to my lifestyle. You are right about the expense of the supplements, food, etc. I can hardly keep it up. I will continue to pray for wisdom and God’s help and healing, in all things.
Hi there, thanks for sharing. Do you have any suggestions for me. Diagnosed 9 years back with CLL. Swollen lymph nodes around my neck. No chemotherapy. Mostly raw fruit and vegetables diet eith juices but want to kick it out of my life. Never tried budwig. Doing Chris work sq1. Can you please tell me how you healed from lymphoma and what would you suggest I add to my diet/lifestyle.
Thanks ☺️
I just wanted to say THANK YOU so much for this website, for your testimonial, for your hours of work that you put into these posts in the midst of being a mom to your littles. It has really encouraged me in my own journey and reaffirmed that cancer is not as powerful as people make it out to be. The information is out there to heal our bodies but it does take discipline.
Thank you so much! 🙂 That was such a sweet comment. I am glad to help. 🙂
This article is really helpful thank you. I willing to try it and see how I feel. I mainly used chris warks program for 2 years and continue to stay plantbased. I’ve also relaxed on my protcols but I’m always looking for ways to improve my health overal now. I think my body is craving a change and more healthy fats. I’ve added ground high ligand flax but I’d like to try the cottage cheese/flax oil blend to see if I feel improvements in my energy levels. I love the protective elements to her diet as well for the heart and anti cancer. My question is does it have to be blended with a hand mixer or can u just blend by hand and eat it?
Definitely use a hand mixer! 🙂
Hello, Cortney, I am trying to contact you but I cant find where to do it. I know you are busy, but please get in touch with me when you can at Thank you!
You can email me!
Hi I was recently diagnosed ovarian cancer, had chemo 4 cycles , due to my severe symtoms ,I accepted chemotherapy,I don’t have idea about conventional treatments. Now I really want to have children ,I am 32 years just married. Could you guide how to approach conventions therapies . Please help me
Do we take this just one time per day? Or multiple times per day?
Some people break it up into half doses twice a day, but because I worked full-time it was difficult and I only did the full amount in the mornings.
Can you just buy ground flax seed or is it important to freshly grind them before consuming?
I believe Dr budwig freshly ground her flax seeds before using and consuming.
Hi there, thanks for sharing. Do you have any suggestions for me. Diagnosed 9 years back with CLL. Swollen lymph nodes around my neck. No chemotherapy. Mostly raw fruit and vegetables diet with juices but want to kick it out of my life. Never tried budwig. Doing Chris wark sq1. Can you please tell me how you healed from lymphoma and what would you suggest I add to my diet/lifestyle.
Thanks ☺️
My How I Beat Cancer Page has all that info. 🙂
I wanna do your recipe 2/3 cup of cottage cheese and 6 tbsp of flax seed oil, but wanna add the grounded flax seeds too, how many tbsp of grounded flax seeds should i add on this mixture? Thank you
I have seen anywhere from 1-2 Tbsp 🙂 Make sure freshly ground.
So… i have to go with your recipe as u did, the whole thing in one shot cause i work and don’t have time to break it in three parts. But i wanna add grounded flax seeds too, so how many tsb do i need to add with your recipe?
I think she said something too about going out in the sun for it to work.
Can I use Greek yogurt instead of cottage cheese? It’s a lot smoother and doesn’t make me gag.
There is a ratio difference. You do need MORE yogurt to match the sulphuric protein amount.
For those of you who gag on the mixture… I found that taking the Budwig protocol with fruit didn’t cover enough of the ugly flaxseed taste, and as I’m not sure that Stevia – while better than sugar, for certain — is that helpful for cancer.
My favourite recipe is to add more SAVOURY ingredients, creating a mini cottage cheese salad:
I add a dash of CAYENNE or chili pepper (good against cancer), salt and pepper, a tiny dash of GARLIC (preferably freshly minced, but powder works, too), and GREEN CHIVES – sometimes adding a teensy bit of curcumin and/or cumin. ** I have also added minced or chopped red pepper or jalapenos, arugula or spinach leaves, broccoli, carrot, and/or other veggies on occasion.
I find that the cayenne powder, garlic, and green onion, in particular, all help to mask the flax seed taste and I find it quite delicious.
By the way, my sister took the Budwig Protocol for a year or two (along with other natural protocols and a bit of juicing, etc.) after major ovarian cancer surgery (no chemo/radiation), and is still going strong 12 years later, much to the surprise of our traditionall-trained doctor brother who thought it wouldn’t work.
Sounds delicious!
so good to hear about you Sister!!!
Hello and thank you. My friend sent this to me and I’m making the cultured cottage cheese and flaxseed oil mixture along with the flaxseeds every morning and afternoon. I can mix up half a batch just fine. I eat with berries or apple in the am and eat it as a salad dressing with herbs in the afternoon.
This has helped me so much. My bowel issues are resolving and it adds much needed calories to my diet. I’m doing chemo as my cancer is pretty aggressive, so this really helps me with the poor appetite from that. I am doing chemo in a different way, chelating it out after treatment with C-EDTA and going for ozone saunas using the HOCATT equipment. Also lymphatic massage several times a week. Both seem to help. And many other things as well.
My approach to cancer is all hands on deck. Your info on the Budwig has really helped. It’s giving me bowel health and more energy. I can see how this was of great benefit to you. Thanks again for sharing this with your update.
Five years ago I was diagnosed with Stage 3B colon cancer. The doctor told me I had to take Chemo for the next 5 years if I wanted to live. I never returned to any doctor. I started the Budwig diet and took it faithfully for 2 years. Why only 2 years? I became homeless. Well it’s been 5 years now and I’m still alive. I’ve learned that many treatments cure cancer–EXCEPT chemo! If you have cancer stay far away from establishment medicine. Avoid surgery and radiation as well.
Thanks for posting about this! It is so helpful to see others have beat cancer using Budwig!
I am wondering if I can eat this mixture during the day or for dinner – not breakfast? Has anyone heard anything about this? Also does anyone has a recipe to make your own quark? Where I live the ingredients are not ideal – lots of additives. Thank you…
Someone discussed a homemade quark recipe somewhere in the comments. YES- you can eat it at anytime during the day.
I had Hodgkin’s lymphoma so I did ABVD and BEACOPP chemotherapy.
After the chemo treatments I started natural therapies.
I followed square one, did Dr schulze 30 days cleanse and whole of othe supplements (vit d, c, curcumin, beta glucan)
I’m pregnant now, I want to know what to do to and supplements to take to prevent lymphoma from returning during pregnancy?
Did you do the full 12 chemo rounds?
Hi! I love your blog!!! We’re doing a lot of your suggestions, have a few concerns about the Budwig protocol. My husband has marginal zone lymphoma and thankfully requires no treatment at this time. We want to get it into remission. He does not have any swollen lymph nodes, but does have lower platelets. I do read that this is the one caution of the diet. Have you read much about that, or have any helpful info? We do not want to lower the platelets. They are currently improving.
Hi Kathy, I am just seeing this. Hope everything is going well for your husband and you.
Did you use protocol? I have same Dx and thrombocytopenia. was it contraindicated?
I admire and love your courage, effort, and faith on your journey, life. You are a true inspiration.
I am unable to find organic cottage cheese where I live . What else can I use- ? organic yogurt ??
If you can find non-organic quark, that is great too. I would do my best to find the organic cc and then freeze it in bulk. A thawed container will stay good for a week.
Hi, thanks for all the information! I’ve just started reading and look forward to reading a lot more.
I wonder if you drank the glass of sauerkraut juice? Just the thought of it turns my stomach! And I don’t know where I’d get some if I had to. Any ideas?
I don’t have cancer but Dr wants to do a biopsy on my kidneys. Husband’s PSA is elevated and will be seeing his Dr in February.
Thanks for any advice!!
Hi Deb, I never drank the sauerkraut juice but do use sauerkraut on my salads and use the juice from there.
can I use my ninja machine instead of an immersion blender? Thank you for your time.
If it blends the oil completely and you can get it out of the container without wasting too much, I’d say it’s fine! 🙂
The only mixers I have is a hand mixer and a ninja machine. Will using one of these work to mix the budwig protocol?
If it blends the oil completely and you can get it out of the container without wasting too much, I’d say it’s fine! 🙂
Thank you for a wonderful website chock full of info.
I was wondering if there were any updates to consuming the Budwig mixture after having breast cancer surgery (no chemo/radiation) also can it be consumed while pregnant as I’m currently 6 weeks pregnant.
Congratulations on your sweet one! I also was pregnant with cancer and ate this through that entire pregnancy along with my second and third! I would research the hormone relation to breast cancer and cancer to see what you learn. I wish I knew more about it but since I had lymphoma it wasn’t something I dove into.
Hey what kind of job Hodgkin lymphoma did you have ?
Was it many places or one place ?
NLP Hodgkins in neck, opposite armpit and ribs below that.
I am allergic to Flax seed/oil. What can I replace it with?
You can try hemp seed oil. Though Dr. Budwig used flax oil with her patients.
Hi, My name is Jim Hogan. In March 2014 I was taken to hospital with severe abdominal pains and was found to have bowel cancer. I was operated on and the cancer was removed. Was in intensive care for 3 days and discharged after 12 days. I was told I would have to have intensive chemo for 6 months, I refused and began taking the Budwig protocol instead. I mix 5 tablespoons of flaxseed oil with 5 tablespoons of cottage cheese with a few red grapes to take away the not so nice taste. I take this every day and in year 4 after cancer, I’m still completely free of cancer. It works.
NOTE. I had been going to the gym 3 time a week prior to cancer. The surgeon said I may not have survived the operation had I not been so fit. I’m 76 years old, by the way.
I followed the Bill Henderson protocol for my husband when he was diagnosed with throat cancer. He had it nightly with fruit as a smoothie until he couldn’t tolerate food anymore. I feel very strongly that it helped him during treatment. Barleen’s had a program at the time that offered the flax oil at a discount which helped a lot.
Hey Carol 🙂 I bought my flax seed oil through the Barleans program, too! Miss it 🙁 So glad to hear your husband recovered.
I’m guessing that sadly he did not recover, since he reached a point where he could not tolerate food, but it’s good if this eased his discomfort some.
How did you tolerate the Budwig Protocol, as I only tried it once, and it made me sick
I didn’t at first. I held my nose and gagged it down for 18 months. Chocolate Stevia from Stevita helped me a lot. Some people like cinnamon and stevia and others eat it combined with salsa and some veggies.
You should not try to use ground flax seed to replace the oil, as it would take far too much. The important thing is the Cottage Cheese and the cold pressed, refrigerated flax oil with a 2:1 ratio.
Adding some ground flax seeds is fine. I use pure maple syrup to sweeten.
Hi Cortney,
Would you say that CCFO was a major part of your recovery? If so, how long did it take before you saw results?
I also went to LFI just like you due to lymphoma diagnosis, and I know this is against what they preach (lol), so I’m curious to try it and wanted to know your opinion since I’m still on the fence. I’m just so ready for these lumps to go away, and I was so happy to find someone with a similar situation.
Yes yes yes. For me it was excellent. Also Essiac and Transfer Point Beta Glucan. All on my Supplements page
Do you know which of your practices kept you in remission, i.e. do you know for a fact it was the flaxseed/cottage cheese or the Essiac or the Transfer Point Beta Glucan, or the combination? My 15-year-old great-niece had NLPHL and is waiting for some biopsy results 3 years after completing chemo at age 11 (yes, it adds up — nearly 12 when she completed it and turned 15 last week), so I’m very interested. Thanks!
I would say it was a combination of all of it! I do know that when I stopped the Budwig and Essiac to do a raw food “cleanse” for two weeks, the size of my neck lymph node grew noticeably! So I am a firm believer that everything I did was important.
I read in one of your comments of some concern with budwig related to breast cancers
And positive receptors to estrogen and progesterone . Does it mean that the Budwig
Protocol is not a good option for this patients.
Budwig is fine for breast cancer patients. Monitor carefully.
I had hormone+ breast cancer and have been eating the mixture, I’m concerned I shouldn’t be, especially with the comment of “monitor carefully” (above) how does one do that? Also, further down in the comments you cautioned against hormone BC and eating this mixture.
I’m also pregnant did you continue to consume this mixture while pregnant?
Monitor carefully just means to keep track of size of tumors if palpable and continue to see a doctor who can monitor you via testing. Congratulations on your sweet one. I also was pregnant with cancer and ate this through that entire pregnancy along with my second and third!
This Article is disturbing. Dr Budwig said to use Quark cheese and NOT cottage cheese. Quark cheese and cottage cheese are not the same and have different chemical properties. One of the main reasons for using Quark cheese is that when it is combined with Flax seed Oil it creates a electrical charge and will reset the electrical charge of the cells. To get the healing affects you need to use Quark cheese.
Hey Tom, Dr. Budwig is recorded as recommending cottage cheese as an alternative to quark, especially in the U.S. where it is not readily available.
I make my own quark with Skim organic milk. It is very easy to do and let me say the TASTE is 250% better!! I actually enjoy it now! Anyways, when I learned how to make it, I also learned how to make cottage cheese. BOTH are made the same exact way. You end up with basically Farmers Cheese (if you were to press it). They both use skim milk and you coagulate it and strain it a few hours. Easy. The only difference is if you want cottage cheese, you add back cream to make is creamier. I like making my own. It’s cheaper and I know whats in it. And the yummy taste of course…
Please refer to for nomination data base. Johanna Budwig fails to appear on search. Not nominated apparently per this data base.
When doing a search on this blog for the name Budwig it fails to find reaults for such.
Hi Duke, nominees are not released to the public for 50 years….so this could be why she’s not there? Just a thought.
Did you make the FO/CC mixture with whole or low fat cottage cheese? I swear I read on the flaxseedoil2 yahoo group a few years ago that it should be made using whole cottage cheese, but now I’m reading that it should be low fat.
Full fat or low fat is fine. 2% is still moderate in fat. Full fat gets VERY filling.
I just found out I have HL and want to go natural. I got the cc but in err I bought the Barleans Mango Infused flax oil. After reading all of the previous posts, I think it may improve the taste, but as I am more concerned with the results, I need to know if I should not use this product. Thank you. And thank you for all of your much needed information.
Do NOT use a Ninja (especially) blender! Reason being it is a POWERFUL blender which HEATS up the oil… this RUINS EVERYTHING and is DAMAGING and DANGEROUS! Please, please PLEASE do research as to EXACTLY WHY Dr. Budwig made the specific recommendation of a SPECIFIC HANDHELD immersion blender which one uses for ONLY one minute, as to directly avoid the problem with heating the oil mixture. The program recommends which handheld device to use. God Bless you. 🙏❤️✝️
I know I am very late in reading your article but I have read that unless you also follow Budwig’s diet the protocol does not do what it’s needed to do. When I download the Budwig Diet from their website there is alot that needs to go along with the Cottage Cheese mixture. I consumed the mix for 9 months but then stopped and did a few other protocols when I read the full report from the Budwig site. I thought I may never do all they recommended. Did you do their entire Diet Plan and add the cottage cheese mix to it?
I followed the protocol in Bill Henderson’s book. YES- I did read this and ate the mixture for 7 years. I would try it out again. Monitor carefully and see how you do. 🙂
What if you do not do dairy ? any substitutes?
Some say YES and use coconut yogurt, but if it were me I may consider a totally different protocol such as Gerson just to be sure. 🙂
If you want to do the Budwig protocol….there is no substitute for the dairy. Johanna Budwig did NOT endorse any dairy or meat except the quark BECAUSE once it was blended thoroughly with the flax oil, it then loses all properties of dairy, and thus becomes the FOCC protocol for the cells. I can attest to this as dairy causes tremendous mucus for me. Always has. Even the organic GREEK plain yogurt I use for this will bother me IF I eat it without blending with the flax oil. But, once it is blended with the flax oil, it has NEVER caused any mucus for me….not ever once. And yogurt eaten after noon for me, causes me to wake during the night strangling on mucus. Any dairy will do that for me. Once the yogurt is blended with the flax oil tho….not ever. The research shows that the blending causes the dairy in this recipe to change properties and become something totally new. And active.
The reason she used quark (or for US residents, dense GREEK yogurt, kefir yogurt, or cottage cheese) is because of the SULPHURATED proteins in it. There is no substitute. Coconut milk or yogurt does not have sulphurated proteins… (never to be used) does not, almond milk does not, neither rice milk and any other kind of nut or grain ‘milk’ does not. It has to be dairy. For those who are dairy intolerant, this usually does not affect them. It is no longer ‘dairy’ after blending with the oil.
Barbara, do you have any information about whether it’s okay to use GOAT dairy rather than cow dairy?
Can i use non organic? I can’t find organic Flax Seed Oil in Indonesia and it seems now there’s a new regulations that forbid us to buy medicine or cosmetic from overseas.
Finally got my organic flax seed oil. i read that we can change cottage cheese with goat milk kefir. But not sure about the ratio. I can’t found cottage cheese here.
Do you know the right ratio if we use kefir?
The Original Protocol calls for a 2:1 ratio, so if you have 2/3 cup cottage cheese, you need 1/3 cup flax oil, which is around 10 and 1/2 TBS, not six. So, your formula is not accurate.
Hi Douglas, this ratio is recommended and has been used successfully by many…and it’s about 1/3 cup.
There are 16 TBSP to a cup, so 1/3 is about 5-1/3 TBSP.
Hi Courtney
I have tried the protocol 3times along with my twin sister and every time we ended up in bed sick with nausea like I’ve never experienced have you ever heard this. We are vegetarians and pretty much follow a good diet. I am over weight by 20 lbs my twin is 30lbs lighter and physically fit. Thank you for your help
Sometimes the Budwig can do that. Split the mixture in half or taking a digestive enzyme can help.
Hi Courtney,
Sorry I missed out one question in my previous post.
I checked that most peeps (not all though, I found a few saying high fat is better) advocate a low fat cottage cheese for this protoccol. But you mentioned in one of your above repiles that we should be looking for one with a higher fat content. What’s your advice on this?
In my place, the most suitable one would be “Paris Creek German Cottage Cheese Quark”, but I am hesitating to get as the fat content is only 0.2grams, which is 1/5 of Nancy’s fat content. Would really appreciate your reply and help. Thanks!
Hi again Mark 🙂
Well, if that’s all you can find right now then I would say start on that. Most of the Quark I have seen have been fat free…so I wonder if as long as the protein content is there, then the fat is not quite as big of a deal. If you’re crafty or have help at home, this recipe using raw milk would be ideal. I imagine it’s challenging at first, but it could become a routine of sorts? 🙂
Hey Mark,
The lower the amount of fat in the quark/greek yogurt/kefir yogurt/cottage cheese is best so to allow more of the flax oil uptake. I use 0% to get the maximum. It is aggravating to see the posts that say only the 4% is to be used. And I find it aggravating that all I see sold here is 4% Nancy’s. I use the dense organic GREEK plain yogurt in place of it….and 0% fat. 4% fat is not even the level of fat normally found in fresh cow’s milk. It is a ‘standardized’ level by the industry…… The more fat in the dairy the less room for the sulphurated proteins to take up the flax oil.
Hi Cortney,
Is there any strict codes we shld follow when we choose the brand of cottage cheese for the Budwig protoccol? like the protein content;fats content;organic or not etc. The place I am at, I could only find one with low fat and a slightly higher protein content of 14.8%(Nancy’s 14% from what i found out), but is still organic though. Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks!
Hey Mark, from what I know you want to stick to 1-2% fat content, organic definitely. Nancy’s and Kalona brands are my favorites. I’ve never heard of 14.8% fat but I imagine that more fat would be better than fat free. Just my guess though.
Thank you for this amazing information. I had Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and went the traditional medical route with 6 rounds of harsh chemo. The bleomycin scarred my lungs and I now have permanent damage to my lungs. I’m still not well and my last treatment was September 2015. I so appreciate this blog. I am on my way now to the store to do the cleanse and purchase some of your recommended supplements.
Thank you and please keep blogging.
Hi Nikki, prayers to you! Many of the strategies and diet suggestions on this blog helps with detox and recovery from chemo as well. 🙂
Hint: If you add the juice of 1 lemon + a bit of stevia (hand-stir it in AFTER BLENDING the CC+FO with the immersion blender) it tastes positively YUMMY! 😀
Cannot wait to try this! Sounds soooooo yummy! (and a nice change!) Thanks, Rebecca!
the real budwig is with Quark, a german cheese and if you can’t find it, goat cheese is the next alternative…I’m surprised you have cottage cheese here as I just read this morning to NOT use cottage cheese
Hi MaryAnne, Dr. Budwig used quark originally but it is not readily available in the U.S. I haven’t ever heard to NOT use cottage cheese. In almost all resources I’ve read on the matter, cottage cheese has the appropriate amount of sulfuric protein to be successful on the protocol. Feel free to let me know where you heard the “no cottage cheese” info. Thanks! 🙂
Hi Courtney,
I am just starting my protocol can I add anything to the CCFO to get it down while fighting the cancer? I know you mentioned the chocolate stevia drops, is pineapple ok or banana or some kind of fruit?
Thanks, Dawn
As long as you mix the cc and fo before, you can add all kinds of fruit!
Thanks Courtney! Your blog is AWESOME and defiantly a God send to us 🙂
Myself & my husband & family really appreciate your time and effort in helping ppl like me choosing the holistic route to healing. I can’t wait to be cancer free 🙂 Dawn
Hi Courtney this is your friend Linda. You were my flower girl😄 I bought the flax oil and cottage cheese yesterday but have an issue with 6 tablespoons of flax oil to 2/3 cup of cottage cheese because every tablespoon of flax oil has 120 calories and 13g of fat. Did you mean teaspoons?
Hi Linda!!! How funny. 🙂 So, it is definitely Tablespoons. Crazy, huh? It is designed to be eaten alongside a VERY clean diet mostly plant-based diet with no additional dairy, sugar, and very little meat. Eaten in that capacity, you will not gain weight at all. I have eaten it daily for 7 years and have never had a weight issue. It’s GOOD fat. Love to you guys! (and I do cheat every now and then- AND I take a break eating the mixture on the weekend usually.
I’m Jim Hogan and am very impressed with the content on your site.
I had a major bowel cancer operation on March 8th, 2014. I was offered chemo for 6 months along with other drugs, The took me through all the possible side effects, I refused and took the Budwig protocol, I take it once a da, every day mixed with some red grapes and frozen blueberries. I,m completely healthy up to now.
Hi Cortney,
I did some research after having some pretty bizarre/specific symptoms and it all led to Hodgkins. I havent seen the doctor yet, but I’m adopting your eating habits until I do just to be safe (and unfortunately I am pretty positive HL is what I have). 🙁
Question: Is peanut butter allowed? The two-ingredient kind like Justin’s or can I make it myself? Or is that bad for the diagnosis
Hey Monika, hoping it’s something else and NOT cancer for you. Natural, organic peanut butter is fine in moderation for a normal person, but when healing from cancer there are other more nutrient dense nut butters to choose from such as raw organic almond butter or a blend of tree nut butters including Brazil nuts which are high in selenium and other good fats.
Hi Courtney,
I am just starting my protocol can I add anything to the CCFO to get it down while fighting the cancer?
I know you mentioned the chocolate stevia drops, is pineapple ok or banana or some kind of fruit?
Thanks, Dawn
We have a product here in CA, Organic Pastures raw milk kefir. I have found that it is thick enough to blend with the Flax Oil (Milk does not blend). Also, I have tried grating Alta Dena’s raw goat milk cheese, a little extra water and flax oil. Try these and see if you can digest.
douglas gray
This morning was my first attempt at the Budwig diet. I followed ratio of 2/3 cup to 6 Tbsp of flaxseed oil, but only managed to eat: 1/3 of it, gagging with each bite (even while holding my nose). I used Barleans lignan flaxseed oil and read later that you use the regular version. Wondering if that would alter the strength of the taste or if I could reduce the flaxseed oil to half and maybe eat it twice a day? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Sarah- try using Stevita chocolate stevia after you mix it. (google it.) Taking small bites and “chewing” the mixture has helped me too.
I had my first experience with the CCFO mixture this morning. I just now read that you use the Barleans flaxseed oil without lignans. I purchased the same brand but with lignans unknowingly. I only made it through a third of the mixture, gagging with every bite, even while holding my nose. I really want to implement this as part of treating my Hodgkin’s lymphoma and followed the ratio of 2/3 cup cottage cheese to 6 Tbsp flaxseed oil. Don’t know if the lignans make a difference in the taste of the flaxseed, but even with a “mind over matter” attitude, I couldn’t finish it, fearing I would eventually regurgitate what I had managed to get down as a result of the gagging. I saw where someone wrote adding cinnamon helps. Any suggestions?? Thank you!!!!
Hi Sarah, just wanted to check up on you to see how you are doing? I have the same issue and similar diagnosis. Are you still continuing with the Budwig protocol?
Must this be flaxseed oil? Not ground flaxseeds?
YES- flaxseed oil.
Please tell me what kind of blender the woman in the video used and what
speed blender it is. I have an Oster 350W blender. Is that a high enough
speed? Thank you. Also I would rather use other than the low fat cottage
cheese. Is this okay? Is the flaxseed oil that comes in safety seal portions
that you break open and use each individual portion alright to use. You
at least know it’s fresh. Thanks again. Twyla Zorba
I’m not sure, Twyla. MY Cuisinart immersion blender does the trick!
Hey Cortney! I really appreciate your website and have a question about the Budwig diet… I take quite a few supplements (following Bill Henderson’s protocol). How long do I need to wait after consuming the Budwig mixture before taking the supplements? Thanks again for providing such great info.
Hi Beverly- I ate it pretty much as soon as my stomach was up for the supplements. Maybe 10 minutes? 15?
So you’d have the Budwig mixture, then wait 10-15 minutes and take your supplements?
Hi! Can the cottage cheese & flax oil be blended in advance & then add the freshly ground flax seed later in the day or the following day? Tip: Cottage Cheese freezes well so you can stock up!
Why fruit? I’ve read over & over about cutting out fruit entirely because of the sugar yet it is used in this recipe. Why such a contradiction?
Tip: Add stevia (or zylitol), cinnamon, nutmeg & vanilla. If you don’t have cancer, applesauce is great too. Is that OK with you, Courtney?
I don’t know if you would agree with this or not, but I add 1 tablespoon of Chia Seeds to my mixture plus some water – then let it sit for a half hour or so. When it’s ready to eat, I then add the freshly ground golden flax seed.
Can I use hemp powder instead as I dairy caused blocked sinus?
Hi Gail- not sure. I know people who use hemp oil instead of flax.
How many times a day does the CCFO need to be eaten?
How much blending of the cottage cheese and flax oil is needed?
Once daily if following the Bill Henderson Protocol
Hello I am wondering if the cottage cheese has to be low fat or not?
Thanks so much, Jane
The more fat, the better 1% or higher. Organic definitely.
I’m trying this with my pet. I only mixed it so far, haven’t blended it. Do you know if you lose all benefits if you don’t blend it? Also it’s hard for me not to feed him meat on days that I give him the mix does that also reduce the benefits?
IT is best and recommended by Dr. Budwig to be blended. I’m thinking minimal meat for a PET would be fine. You may find Dr. Budwig’s books to be helpful!
How many times a day are u supposed to ear cc.flax oil mix
Once a day for the mixture. The Budwig protocol is a bit different, requiring more.
did you ever have upper back pain, like gallbladder or liver aches? It stops when I stop budwig, but it may mean it is working and I should just up my coffee enema’s. Or I could lessen the amount. But am worried that would not make it work…
Any thoughts?
Hi Christine! It’s funny you wrote this a while back and I’m just getting around to it….but after my 3rd baby I had some pretty pesky liver/gallbladder pain. 2 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar in water twice daily has helped a lot but LIVER FLUSHES have helped the most! I followed Andreas Moritz’s book.
hi Courtney my name is Mike I have a friend with cancer and he’s not doing very well right now would it be okay for him to make the cottage cheese flaxseed oil mixture and also add in and blend the beta 1 3 glucan pills I would really appreciate your response I’m a very worried friend thank you so much
Hi Mike- yes, but he’ll need to take the Beta Glucan 30 minutes before the Cottage Cheese Flaxseed Oil. That is very important to not mix them together.
Hi cortney-
I love your blog! I have been juicing for 6 months and am adding in green drink .
Today I did the budwig protocol exactly as written- except I bought 4% cottage cheese.
I’m feeling like I’m experiencing a heavy detox reaction. Ie I feel tired, have headache and darker yellow urine.
Did you experience any detox reactions like this?
Thanks !
Hi Suzie 🙂 YES- those can totally be detox symptoms, which can vary from person to person.
Trying to save my mom. I’ve ordered the cd series from Mike Ventris, (using the cellect powder along with Budwig.)
I’ m also looking at laetrile, aloe arborescens, CBD oil (cannabis), alkaline water as supplements. Any opinions on adding any, or all?
Thank you!
Can Greek yogurt be used instead of CC?
I am allergic to gluten, dairy, soy and some grains. Is there anything else that could be mixed with the flaxseed oil? My joints swell when I eat dairy and other items I am allergic to.
Hi Laurie- there are certain vegan proteins that I’ve heard people using to act as the “sulfuric protein” carrier needed with the Budwig protocol, but I have read many stories of people who are severely lactose intolerant not having reactions becausue of the chemical change with the cottage cheese after being immersed and blended with the flaxseed oil. Bill Henderson recommends trying the mixture a small bit at a time to see if this is the case for you. If not, then check out the Budwig Protocol support group on Yahoo to get tips from others with your situation.
Hi Cortney!
I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer 4- years ago and have been doing detox, nutrition, and exercise to heal. I have been cancer free for three years now without chemo, radiation or surgery. I just found your website and would like to start doing the beta glucans and also the ccfo. Just wondering, why do you need to blend the oil and cheese together — why not just mix? I ask this because I like the chunks in the cottage cheese.
M.J- MIX the cc and fo first to create the chemical bond between the flaxseed and cc. THEN add any extra ingredients. Dr. Budwig stressed this to complete the protocol correctly.
Thanks so much for sharing this…I have researched cancer cures for some time….and have been appalled at what I have found…the cures are there and have been for many years but because of the powerful money behind certain industries etc…it is kept under careful guard ….so thankful more and more is being made known of these cures!!!
The One who made us gave us all we needed to keep the body He made functioning properly…we just bought into what this world money hungry system dished out….to our detriment!!!
Last October I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Currently I am following an 80/20 raw foods, vegan diet. I am seriously considering adding in the daily CCFO. (I am reading Bill Hendersen’s book as well.) Question: Were you ever concerned about too many antioxidants disrupting the CCFO? The Daily Supplements from David Williams have added antioxidants (it’s a separate pill). I just read the “Do’s and Don’ts of the Budwig Plan, and it says that artificially derived supplements and supplements (such as vitamins) that have been either made using
chemicals or removed from the foods that contained them and put into
capsules/pills, etc., especially the kinds of supplements touted as
“antioxidants” are bad news. I don’t know how these supplements hurt the mixture… I know that you were completely healed, so I was just wondering what your thoughts were on this ….. Thank you for your time.
I should probably research before asking this question but do you have to eat the exact amount of recipe? It’s a lot and I find myself too full and sluggish. It sits like a food bomb in my stomach 🙂 it’s taste fine but 2/3 cup is a lot for me. Thoughts? Thanks
Hi Tracy- you can split the recipe and eat it throughout the day, but make sure you’re mixing it fresh at every consumption.
I weigh only 97 lbs ( 44 kg ) and although the FOCC is heavy and high in calories I am still hungry after eating it. Can I eat the soup for the evening meal, all through the day in order to gain more weight and not feel hungry?
Hi Gail- can you elaborate about the soup you’re asking about? I’m not sure how to help. Thanks!
I first put low sugar organic fruit in my bowl (blueberries, raspberries, or strawberries—all cancer fighting fruits.) Then I put the mixed cottage cheese/flax seed oil over the berries, I add 1 tsp of organic ceylon cinnamon, 2 tbsp of fresh ground flaxseeds ( I use a small coffee grinder for this, and do it fresh each time) I then add a few organic nuts of some kind and then stir. This mixture is so delicious that it is the highlight of my day! If I am not full after eating this, then I drink a glass of pure fresh water! I am full then and am quite satisfied. If that doesn’t work, I eat a garden fresh salad. Incidentally, if you eat correctly and follow the recommended anti-cancer diet, this formula will not put on weight if you are already over weight. I have been able to lose weight as desired using the Budwig formula. I believe that the calories are so nutritionally dense that your body utilizes them and does not store them as fat.
I responded to your question about hunger down below. Since you are small, I believe you could eat filling soups and other appropriate things, like high calorie smoothies to help you with weight gain. I try to lose weight with the Budwig. I believe it can help your body go either way, just make adjustments. It will help your body achieve health! I love it and it is so delicious to me.
A motivating discussion is definitely worth comment.
I do think that you ought to write more about this subject matter, it might not be a
taboo subject but generally folks don’t talk about these
subjects. To the next! Best wishes!!
Ps: does the cottage cheese have to be low fat? And if so, why is that?
Sarrah- I followed Bill Henderson’s protocol and he recommends 1-2% organic cottage cheese without carageenan (Nancy’s brand in the U.S. is the best I’ve found.)
Hello again.
Why do you say that the budwig protocol is tricky with
Breast cancer?
In what sense do you mean?
Hi Sarrah- I have had some concerns brought to me about the estrogen naturally in dairy and its effects on estrogen positive breast cancers. I don’t have time during this season my life to do the detailed research, but it’s something to check into for those impacted by breast cancer.
Another health writer has stated that the original Budwig diet was Flax oil and Quark cheese. I believe Quark cheese to be a high fat German cheese. She wanted high fat for the cheese part. How did cottage cheese enter the picture? And some health writers recommend low fat cottage cheese???? Also many cottage cheese producers use carrageen to increase the sensation of fat. Carrageen is a suspected carcinogen in CA.
Hey Bob- you’re super right about the carageenan. I’m not sure why that is allowed in ORGANIC cottage cheese, but I was fooled for about a year. Nancy’s organic cottage cheese was the brand I used for the first 3 years or so and then switched to Whole Foods 365 because it was cheaper (BUT it contains carageenan!!!) Nancy’s is the BEST choice and does not contain carageenan, and it tastes better too IMO.
Hey Cortney,
I was just wondering how much of Budwigs cottage cheese do you eat per day (1 cup)? Thanks
Yes- about 1 cup total. 2/3 cup CC and 6 Tbsp flaxseed oil
Cortney, I heard you say to double the amount of yogurt for the FOCC because of the sulphuric content. Do you think the same would apply to organic kefir, because that is what I am using in the FOCC?
I would prefer to use the ground flaxseeds instead of the flax oil, so I asked the yahoo flaxseed oil2 group on yahoo if you would use equal amounts or what. I will tell you what they say if someone responds.
I just heard you say the lignans in the oil are not active. Is it okay to use the oil with the high lignan count? Is it bad it they are not active? What good is the oil then if there are no active lignans in it? I have about 5 unopened bottles in the fridge.
Keep up the good work 🙂
Kathy in Nashville
Eh, I’m not sure on that one, Kathy. Wish I were an expert but there’s not enough time in the day! Perhaps contacting the Budwig Center in Spain would give you an answer? I used the flax oil because that was what was recommended to me by Bill Henderson (and it was and still is most doable with my busy life!)
I know this is an old post, but regular yogurt is too thin and you will need a lot, almost double to get the same amount of sulphurated protein called for. (You’re looking for basically the same grams of protein found in the cottage cheese usually used) Organic GREEK yogurt, tho, is very dense, similar to the originial quark which is made basically the same way…and almost the same consistency of the cottage cheese AFTER blending, and works perfectly in the FOCC. It is only very slightly less in protein. Make sure it is organic…plain…and the less fat the better. I use the 0%.
Regarding the kefir… have to use even more of it to equal the protein grams of the dense greek yogurt or cottage cheese. The denser the better and kefir is not dense, unless you strain and make thick dense kefir ‘yogurt’. If you do use kefir, make sure it is grass-fed, organic, and plain….and low fat or lower is best. I think the ratio I read was like a cup of liquid kefir to a tablespoon of flax oil.
The flax called for in the Budwig mixture is not for the OIL. It is because eating just the oil from a plant or a seed is not good….AND you are getting the fiber as well as the muscilage the seed provides. It is NOT the same to use just ground flaxseed and the cottage cheese/yogurt/kefir. Not even close. There is a certain amount of the flax OIL needed for a certain amount of sulphurated protein to make the ‘Budwig protocol / FOCC’……it cannot be altered and still be the same. You cannot just use the grounds seed in place of the OIL. Theorectically, you would need a very large amount of the seeds to choke down with the dairy to get the amount of the oil needed to make the protocol work. And the seeds are NOT going to blend in with the oil perfectly smooth to make the protocol that gets into the cells and affects the ATP levels.
You will get around 4 ozs of flax oil from two pounds of flax seeds, with two hours of pressing…..and that is with water added to soften the seeds, and heat pressing. Cold pressing takes longer. And you only want cold pressed. And you would have to buy a machine to do it. Most of the DIY machines are made to press flax for oil for leather making etc. This is not the way to go for clean coldpressed organic flax oil for live saving properties.
The lignan flax oil is thought to NOT be the best choice, simply because of the ground flax residue present (the lignan part) goes rancid quickly, hence the reason you grind your flaxseed and eat it immediately. You could grind a couple days worth at a time and then put it quickly into a cold glass ball jar and into the freezer tho. If you had to. Grinding fresh is best and is so quick….a small spice/coffee grinder is cheap and easy to use and keep on the counter and grind the tablespoon or two for the protocol.
And, keep all the bottles except one or two of the flax oil that are not opened in the FREEZER until needed. They will continue to age in the fridge.
For those that hate the taste of cottage cheese and flaxseed oil: After you mix the two together, add in 1/4 – 1/2 tsp of cinnamon. Makes it taste SO much better.
I finished 6 months of chemo in 2011 and now my doctor said I have to do an oral chemo for the rest of my life. I started the Budwig protocol this week. IF I go into this oral chemo, can I continue with the Budwig diet? Is there any complication with Chemo?
The Budwig does NOT interfere with chemo. I site the study on this somewhere in one of my Budwig posts on my blog.
When you say avoid sugar, do you include fruits with that? I am drinking Chris Warks sugestion of juiced carrots and beets.
Would you include such vegetables as something to avoid?
Also i am considering moving towards the budwig protocol. I dont take dairy now however. I stopped due to the cancer. WIll it be good for breast cancer? I still do have the tumor.
I am also noticed that you mentioned you still did eat meat on occasion? My blood type is meat eating one. How will this affect the budwig protocol?
Some say that some supplements are not compatable with the budwig. Is that true?
Thanks for your time.
Yes- I avoided all but 1, maybe 2 pieces of fruit daily and also higher sugar vegetables, but YES- I know a lot of people who juice beets and carrots as part of their juicing protocol. Different approaches can be taken depending on your metabolic type and approach to your cancer.
Budwig is tricky with breast cancer. I would contact the Budwig clinic in Spain on your particular case.
I only ate meat AFTER I was in remission, but I don’t eat tons of meat anyway and don’t particularly “need” it.
I’ve never heard about supplements not being compatible with Budwig.
Great blog…just found tonight while researching this new life I now find myself in due to an MRI which showed a 1.4 cm tumor in upper small intestine. Can you elaborate more on your comment about metabolic types? I have been juicing mainly carrots with beets, ginger but in the back of my mind am worried it’s too much sugar for what I have. Also what does meat have to do with a specific blood type?(re: Sarrah M). Many thanks!
Whole Foods Market is where I buy it.
Where do you find that brand of cottage cheese?
I’ve used three different brands that I like: Nancy’s Organic 1% that I purchased at Whole Foods, 365 Brand Organic 1.5% that I purchased at Whole Foods, and Trader Joe’s Organic 2% that I purchased at…well, Trader Joe’s. (: The 2% is a little more fatty and can be too filling at times. My favorite, less offensive cottage cheese is the 1.5% from WF.
Cortney, Does it make any difference that the whey protein powder I was referring to was Dr. Mercola’s Miracle Whey from raw milk from grass fed cows? Or it just best to stay away from all whey powders?
Hmmm- without researching, I can’t tell, but Dr. Mercola is pretty trustworthy. If you’re fighting cancer, I would stay away from unnecessary animal protein. Also factor in how it is sweetened. You want minimal sugar. (:
Wow Cortney, Thanks for the info on the Sun Warrior. I just ordered it and will have it in 2 days.. Yeah!
I will give my whey protein to my boyfriend:)
I believe in the Budwig protocol also and meant to say that I thought you were being careful by only choosing the cottage cheese for your only animal product, right?
So you ate strictly vegan until you were cancer free, is that correct? You ate nuts. seeds. veggies, a little beans and did you eat any grains, such as quinoa? Grains are starchy, so I was wondering..
Kathy 🙂
Hi Cortney, Thanks so much for responding. I had a 5 hr. dental procedure that consisted of taking out old amalgams so I could have crowns put in. This procedure caused an infection and I am now being treated with antibiotics and my “tumor” is shrinking. While it was larger and noticeable on my neck, I had a biopsy and it was diagnosed as an indolent lymphoma. At the end of my antibiotic treatment, I am going to have it tested I believe before I do anything. If it says cancer again, I guess I will have to do a cat scan or PET scan. I don’t want more radiation, so I was thinking of doing the HcG test to see where I stood on the cancer scale. But I guess I might have to have a cat scan to determine if it is other parts of my body. Is that what you understand about this also?
Also, I read that your ONLY source of animal protein was the cottage cheese for the Budwig protocol. That fact interested me because I read today that ALL animal protein increases the levels of IGF-1(insulin growth factors), which is bad for cancer. Plant based proteins do not increase IGF-1 in our bodies. I have been using organic whey protein powder for the past week as my main source of protein, but I think I will stop that. What do you think? I have ordered hemp protein(plant based) and will use that in my green smoothie I think.
I read that you ate beans. Were you worried about the carb content in beans, since they are starch?. Have you read to starve the cancer by cutting out starchy things, that feed glucose levels. Maybe this is silly..
Thanks so much for your time Cortney, I truly appreciate your info.. Kathy
Hi Kathy! (:
You are definitely doing some great research before you go ahead with any decisions and that is great! Some people are fine with just doing the HcG and using that for a baseline to how your cancer is progressing. Others feel more comfortable knowing exactly WHERE the cancer is and how much of it there is. A CAT/PET will give you that information. I personally chose to only do the initial CAT/PET Scan and didn’t do any additional scans because of the unnecessary radiation. The HCG test will tell you whether what you are doing is making progress eliminating cancerous activity in your body.
I’m sure you’re right about animal proteins and the insulin growth factor in relation to cancer. My research is rusty since most of it was done in detail almost 5 years ago, but I do know that Budwig has thousands of testimonies to its effectiveness in combatting cancer and many other ailments. Depending on one’s metabolism, meat may affect their ability to recover more than others, and for some they may NEED it to recover.
I was not worried about beans at all. They were a plant-based protein that I ate minimally and soaked and cooked myself. My favorite plant-based protein powder is SunWarrior and I would DEFINITELY stay away from whey proteins.
Hi Cortney, I am new to all of this, but not to alternative medicine and what you are practicing. I have just been diagnosed with an indolent lymphomatic cancer like yourself. It is non hodgkins follicular low grade lymphoma(probably a Stage 1 or 2, though I am not sure yet. I will probably be asking you some questions if you don’t mind.. I was diagnosed by getting an infection from a dental procedure and it made a lymph gland swell up. I have no symptoms.. am on an antibiotic and the lymph node is going down. I might take that HcG test instead of the cat scan.. I don’t know..
I am using an organic, lactose free kefir with Barleans flax seed oil. Would I have to double the kefir like you recommended about the yogurt because of the sulphuric content? Or do you think kefir might have as much sulphur as cottage cheese?
I am adding a little unsweetened almond/coconut milk, a little water , a few blackberries and a little stevia to make it taste better. Do you think that is okay? Thanks for telling me to mix the kefir and flax oil first, because I was mixing them all together.
Hi Kathy- it’s so great to hear you have opted to pursue natural therapies! My first reaction to reading your comment is that you need to get your dental work checked out. Do you think that you could possibly have an infected cavitation in your mouth that CAUSED the cancer? Root canals especially have been well researched outside of conventional dentistry and the findings are very suspicious that root canals and mercury fillings could be a cause of cancer.
The HcG test is a base line test. It will give you trending knowledge as you take the individual tests to let you know whether what you’re doing is working or not. It is not a great test for “You have cancer. or “You don’t have cancer.” which of course a biopsy or CAT/PET Scan will tell you.
I am not sure about the kefir. That is a question for a doctor specializing in the Budwig protocol for sure. Check out the protocol I used for more specifics HERE:
Thank you so much for your suggestion! I was thinking the same thing, but wasn’t sure if I could do that. Thanks for your reply!!
Hello! I have been doing the Budwig Diet now for over 2 years, and as per Bill Henderson, tried to cut down to a maintenance dose, but it is very hard to blend. Any suggestions?
Hi Grace- I guess what I would do is eat the complete mixture every other day instead of eating a small amount everyday. In my experience, it seems that most immersion blenders have too high of a blade to mix HALF of the mixture (1/3 cottage cheese and 3 Tbsp flaxseed oil) Hope this helps!
Hi Cortney,
Firstly, I want to thank you for putting up this page. It was very educational and i feel blessed to find this. I came across your page when trying to find a good diet for my sister who had breast cancer 3 years ago and had masectomy of her left breast and full hysterectomy, no chemo but was on tamoxifen but we decided to stop using this meds since its giving her unbearable head ache. Im just afraid on possible recurrence as she dont follow-up a good diet afterwards. My question is, can I take FOCC while im pregnant, why i would like to do the FOCC is because I also have a lot of benign lumps in my both breast:( I noted that 3 mos after your remission you became pregnant, did you take FOCC while you were pregnant and had raw diet? Thanks for your time and God bless you more.
Hi There! What a wonderful thing you are doing for your sister and yourself. (: You are so ahead of the game! YES- I ate CCFO through both of my pregnancies. I will say though- I delivered BIG healthy babies and think the CCFO could have had something to do with it. Just my guess though- my hubby and I were both under 7 pounds at birth and our 2 daughters were both 9 pounds and over! No problems delivering them naturally though, so maybe that CCFO equips our bodies in many ways. (:
Is it necessary to blend? Does it add somthing?
Yes-you must blend it as the sulfuric protein in the cc must bond with the oil.
I am allergic to Flaxseeds and the oil runs right through me. Could I substitute Coconut oil?
I have never heard of using coconut oil for Budwig as it’s not part of Dr. Budwig’s original research.
What if you are sensitive to dairy products?
Constance- I have read that even people with lactose intolerance do fine with the CCFO because of the change in the substance when the cottage cheese and flaxseed oil are combined. Perhaps try the mixture and see how you feel (unless by “sensitive” you mean severely allergic!) I have read a few websites on vegan alternatives to cottage cheese for Budwig, but Dr. Budwig’s original research did not use a vegan/ non-dairy sulfuric protein.
Check out this article:
I read that you can add 1 tsp of raw honey to the flaxseed/cottage cheese mixture. I did this and loved it. It tasted like sweetened yogurt and now there is no effort to eat. Love it with fruit and nuts all day long! I also used the silver bullet and think it is easier than the hand held blender.
Have you read that the honey is ok to use or did I just get that from a bad “Budwig Protocol” website?
Hi there!
As long as you’re cancer free, I would just make sure that you are mixing the CC and FO FIRST and then adding the honey. It is important to not interfere with the blending process of the CCFO with foreign substances.
If I had cancer, I would not add the honey primarily because of the sugar acting as fuel for the cancer (we want to STARVE the cancer, hence most people using holistic protocols eliminate sugar completely.)
Thanks for adding the tip about the silver bullet. (:
Question about blending, do you need a hand held blender, or can you use regular blender, or just blend with a fork until mixed?
You can read why I prefer a hand-held blender over a regular blender HERE:
So the CCFO is around 800 calories per serving?
Sure is- but not all calories are created equal. Most of that is coming from the flaxseed oil. I found it hard to keep weight ON when I was combining the Budwig mixture with a raw vegan diet. Currently I still eat the Budwig mixture 4-5 times a week and I maintain my weight perfectly. I am around 90% plant-based foods and raw as much as possible but not all the time. I also eat raw or pasteurized cultured dairy occasionally. Although, I will say that I think Budwig could have been responsible for my daughter being 9 pounds when she was born… (:
Hi Pat, I bet you are so thankful to be through that season in your life! I will be honest with you- Budwig is NOT easy on the stomach. It is a very heavy food and at around 840 calories a sitting, needs to be paired with a mostly raw vegan diet to avoid too much weight gain.
In order to prevent burn-out, why don’t you start with cooked veggies and lean, organic meats while your body recovers from the chemo. Gradually begin to add some juices, mostly veggies, but perhaps slightly sweetened with some fruit justice to keep it palatable.
Of course if you’re able and your body and stomach can handle it, raw veggie juicing and fibrous veggie smoothies would be WONDERFUL in your recovery from your chemo treatments along with dense, colorful salads, but I wouldn’t want to see you give up because it’s all a bit too overwhelming right now.
You’re in the right mindset and should be so proud of yourself! I will be praying for your recovery and motivation. (:
I am going to try this, but have just finished 12 rounds of chemotherapy, and my stomach lining is not terribly good. Is this easy to digest? I must admit there is so much information out there that I am feeling a bit overwhelmed at the moment. I am going to start juicing, but don’t think my stomach will hold up to raw foods. Do you think the juicing would be enough, if I do it several times a day?? I’m so grateful for any advice you could give me. You are certainly an inspiration!
I am going to try this, but have just finished 12 rounds of chemotherapy, and my stomach lining is not terribly good. Is this easy to digest? I must admit there is so much information out there that I am feeling a bit overwhelmed at the moment. I am going to start juicing, but don’t think my stomach will hold up to raw foods. Do you think the juicing would be enough, if I do it several times a day?? I’m so grateful for any advice you could give me.
How much ground flax seed do you need to use to replace liquid oil?
Hi Jen- Since I never used freshly ground flax seed oil, I’m going to re-direct this question over to the Budwig Yahoo groups: Also see this video:
Do you still use non lignan flax seed oil if you are not adding fresh flax seeds to the mixture?
Also, have you heard of anyone trying this with their pets?
I believe non-lignan is the best kind of flaxseed oil for Budwig UNLESS it is freshly ground (which is the best but can be time consuming.)
I’m sure that if you could get your pet to eat it, than it could be an option…try a web search and see what you find.
Our poodle loves FOCC.
would organic yogurt be as good to use instead of cottage cheese?
YES- but you will need to double the amount of yogurt. It has something to do with the amount of sulfuric protein in cottage cheese vs. yogurt.
I know this is an old post, but regular yogurt is too thin and you will need a lot, almost double to get the same amount of sulphurated protein called for. (You’re looking for basically the same grams of protein found in the cottage cheese usually used) Organic GREEK yogurt, tho, is very dense, similar to the originial quark which is made basically the same way…and almost the same consistency of the cottage cheese AFTER blending, and works perfectly in the FOCC. It is only very slightly less in protein. Make sure it is organic…plain…and the less fat the better. I use the 0%.
Hi Liz,
I doubled the CCFO because Bill Henderson’s recipe calls for 2/3 cup cottage cheese and 6 Tbsp flaxseed oil. I just followed his directions! I am assuming it is to get more of its therapeutic benefits.
Another point- when you are only eating raw foods, that 800 or so calories of Budwig helps keep weight on!
Hi, the recipe on the Budwig sight says 3 tbsp oil and 6 tbsp come you double it?
Dear GreenDrinkDiaries:
I like to buy raw organic milk, and also raw milk cheese; would cheese made with raw goat milk be an acceptable substitute, take that with the flax oil?
I’m not 100% sure on this one. Check the Budwig support Yahoo Group here:
What if you use already ground flax seed? Is that just as good?
Sure- and probably better! Just make sure the ratio is on par with what Dr. Budwig prescribed. Learn more here:
I’ve heard numerous times that you should only use freshly ground flaxseed because once the flaxseed is ground, the oils in it lose their potency or go rancid quickly!
Hi Melody! I’d love to hear the source that you heard this from, so that I can share if needed. (: Barleans is a trustworthy source of organic, cold-pressed flax seed oil and the best you can buy here in the States when you don’t have time to freshly grind your organic flaxseed and press the flaxseed oil from it.
Yes this is true. Its in Bill Hendersons book.
Tiff, Flaxseeds should never be ground ahead of time or purchased pre-ground. If using flaxseeds, they must be ground fresh and consumed within 20 minutes.
Hey Carrie!!!! How are you doing!!!?? It’s so good to hear from you. I love hearing you say this and that you commented on it here. I get asked this question a lot from people with lactose issues. Good to know!
Yep- and golden flax seeds are the best. (:
No! The omega 3 fats in flax seeds will begin to degrade immediately after being ground. You must use freshly ground seeds only.
Because of a dairy allergy, is there a non-dairy protein source that can be substituted for cottage cheese?
This has been the best info I have been able to find on the topic:
I have a terrible lactose intolerance as well as nasal congestion issues from dairy. However, I have absolutely no issue with this mixture. I read many other testimonies from others who have said that when you do the immersion mixture it changes the composition and gets rid of whatever causes the dairy issue. That caused me to give it a try. Just in case, I use Young Living Essential oils and rub on my gut after consuming (usually Hyssop EO).
Hi Cortney, I would like to advice my Mom to start doing this. Can you recommend the brand/type of Flaxseed Oil to get? I know there are different kinds in terms of lignen %, etc.
Thanks for all you do in terms of getting this information out to people.
Hey Julie!
I would buy Barleans original (no lignans) or if you’re really hard core and have lots of time on your hands (which I never did,) you can grind the flax seeds yourself in a coffee grinder. Lignans are great, but unless they are freshly ground, I have read that the additional lignan fiber would not hold much value. (: Hope this helps!
Thanks for this discussion. Have been using the Budwig protocol daily for the last couple of months. I’ve blended it with frozen berries, and (confess) a little organic plain yoghurt (for smoother blending), plus a dash of stevia — nothing else. Fabulous! Digests beautifully. I’ve also added the “FOCC” mixture atop a green salad — delicious! So, seems like this might make for a delicious green smoothie combination?! Haven’t yet tried, but will very soon. Will blend the “FOCC” mixture first, then add the greens. Any thoughts or comments? Any special recommendations? I personally prefer to follow basic “food combining” principles, so, unlike many, “theoretically” I would prefer the cottage cheese/flax oil with greens and veggies (over the fruit that is often recommended — as fruit with the protein/fat is not considered an “optimal combination”). I know many disagree. Question here would be about using the greens with the “FOCC” — any good recommendations or ideas? Has anyone tried this? Any favorite blend ideas? Thanks so much! C.
Oh wow! You better let me know how that is! One woman a few omths back said she enjoys salsa with her CCFO. I have yet to try that, but I bet it’s not so bad! (:
Wow, this was really informative. Glad I found your blog! I’ve been veering toward vegan lately, cutting out a lot of dairy products and aiming for plant-based unprocessed foods- but I think I will give this a shot.
Hi Susan!
I know I have read testimonies of other Budwig users and even read in Dr. Budwig’s book that freshly ground flaxseed is even BETTER than processed and stored oil that most of us use. It can just be time consuming and adds a gritty texture to the already difficult-to-eat mixture. Give it a try, and also try the Budwig Support Group at:
Cortney (:
When I watched The Budwig protocol and the video showing how it is made, the recipe was 6tbsp. Cottage cheese, 3 tbsp. flax oil, properly blended, and 2tbsp. Freshly ground flax seeds.
Your green drink diaries, shows different amounts, and doesn’t mention the ground flax seeds.
Any particular reason?
Hi Esther! My recipe is just doubled….and yes, freshly ground flaxseeds are part of the original recipe. For me- I have done fine without it and it works for me to keep it simpler.
Would it be just as effective using grounded flaxseed?
Absolutely! I know of some people who do it everyday and others that do it 2-3 times per week. I would avoid meat as much as possible on days when you use the Budwig mixture. Dr. Budwig’s research did find that animal proteins from conventionally raised animals can alter its effectiveness, so I just avoid all meat on days I eat Budwig which is about 4 times a week. I just dropped down from 6 days a week of Budwig to 4 days after being cancer-free for almost 3 years.
Hi Cortney,
I was just reading your post in regards to the FOCC, btw I love your blog. So basically after your cancer diagnostic you were eating the FOCC just for 6 days a week? If so, why not the whole week? thank you.
Hi there! Well, honestly I needed a break. Having one day off from the Budwig gave me a little taste bud vacation, allowing me to come back to it the day after feeling like I gave myself a little reward. I still eat the Budwig 5-6 times a week even now and a nice bowl of oatmeal 1-2 times a week gives me a nice human feeling. (:
Would this be a good thing to eat daily to prevent cancer?
I have no problem eating cottage cheese and flax seed oil, love this idea, will be doing it regularly, thank you! My poor teen age son has this coming for him as well:) He is not surprised with anything mom throws at him anymore:)
Hilarious! 🙂 Poor guy, but you do get used to it! Try adding some fruit in like a few pieces pineapple or berries. 🙂 I just like to get it over with though, there is no savoring for me! 😉
Would this still work if the flaxseed oil/cottage cheese mixture was then blended into a smoothie?
My GUESS based on past research would be YES, as long as you blend the CCFO FIRST and then combine it with other things. I would also drink it within 15-20 minutes of blending.