The 2014 Quest for the Cures has ended. If you were unable to view the episodes throughout this past week, all content will be available for pre-order in a Silver or Gold Package at a 50% discount for TODAY ONLY, June 3rd! Regardless of what package you may be interested in, both come with an additional digital set for you to share with a loved one or friend! See side bar for details (or if you’re reading from your cell, just scroll down below the comments). The people interviewed and the information presented were nothing short of amazing! Please continue to share this series and its information with all those whom you know and love that could benefit from it! (:
When I was diagnosed with cancer back in 2008, it was challenging to find any information regarding natural therapies for cancer, not to mention all in one place. And if you haven’t figured me out yet, I am very selective on what I promote on my blog. As a busy mom, I don’t have time to watch (or focus) on every online health video or live streaming conference (or hear them over my busy kids.) I like “all-in-one” kind of simplification- like one pot meals, meal replacement green smoothies, and the Vitamix. So when Ty Bollinger messaged me about a documentary-style series on alternative cancer information he was putting together with the help of almost 30 alternative cancer experts, doctors, and survivors, I knew I wanted to be a part of it!
“The Quest for The Cures” is the first ever, investigative report documentary mini-series on alternative/ natural cancer therapies that will broadcast to the world (FOR FREE) starting Monday, May 26th through Sunday, June 1st. Each episode will air primetime nightly at 9pm EST and again at 9pm Pacific Daylight Time. Throughout the series you’ll follow Ty (a cancer researcher hero of mine!) and author of Cancer: Step Outside the Box, who lost both his mother and father to cancer, as he travels the country and sits down with the foremost doctors, researchers, experts and survivors to find out their proven methods to preventing and treating cancer.
How Am I Involved?

My interview with friend, author, and researcher Ty Bollinger
Last month, Ty Bollinger contacted my husband and I about being part of this series. I want you to know how “grassroots” and honorable this project is. Ty actually flew to Atlanta and filmed us for the documentary at our home on our back porch. Ty sat with my husband Kevin and I to talk with us about our healing story and various tips, including how we dealt with the criticism of our choice to treat my cancer naturally. It was a pretty epic moment for me since Ty’s book had such an impact on our choice to forgo conventional treatment and pursue a holistic route to healing.
Ty also filmed several other holistic/alternative cancer experts in the Atlanta area. Afterwards, our family, Ty, and Alan (the cameraman) all went to Jason’s Deli to get the salad bar there. Ty refused to let us pay – super nice guy all around – before he drove off to his next interviews in South Carolina.
Speaking of interviews, of all the doctors and experts Ty met with, names that instantly jumped out at me were:
- Bill Henderson (who wrote the book I used to heal my cancer!)
- Chris Wark of ChrisBeatCancer.com (friend and fellow natural cancer survivor)
- Dr. Patrick Quillin (wrote my favorite book on cancer and nutrition)
- Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez (renowned doctor and researcher)
- Dr. Veronique Desaulniers (lovely lady! – met her at this past year’s Healing Strong Conference.)
Lastly, I hope you’re as excited as I am, as this really is a tremendous opportunity for some incredible information to reach a lot of people who need it most. That said, I’d love to hear what you think, so if you have any questions or comments about the event, please add them below!

Author and host Ty Bollinger travels the country interviewing leading experts including doctors, authors, researchers, and holistic cancer survivors on their knowledge and experience concerning an alternative approach to healing cancer.
I’m interested in the first of Ty’s docu-series, “The Quest For The Cures”, but the only thing I’m able to find is his new series, TTAC. I’ve already purchased that but I’m interested in his original series. Is that available anywhere?
Best Regards,
Hi Andrea, I know. the Quest for the Cures was so fantastic. In some ways I liked it better because it was more basic. 🙂 (it has nothing to do with me being in it. Ha! 😉 I will have to ask about this. You could also get in touch with TY Bollinger through his Cancer Truth page on Facebook.
I ordered the silver edition of Ty Bollinger’s series, paid for it and am still waiting to receive it! There is no way to contact anyone about it. Is this some kind of scam?
Hi Larissa- it’s not a scam. 🙂 Did you receive it yet?
I would like to find if someone can call me at home phone number or my cell number. My home phone is 7184309738 and my cell is 9174285286.
Hi Josephine, I don’t use the phone for answering questions, but feel free to send me a message with any questions you may have through my contact page. -Cortney
Sorry the name of the book is “Curing cancer with Carrots” by an amazing woman and author Ann Cameron. I wrote “healing cancer with carrots” in a previous post.
I would like to add that I am a vegetarian and even though I didn’t go completely raw, I also eliminated sugar from my diet and fruits too. Now I’m starting to do green smoothies but still looking for recipes and continuing with my carrot juice every day (however, I am juicing about 16-24 oz of carrot/ celery juice every day not 40-56oz like I used to before). 🙂
This is wonderful to hear, Melissa!!!! Thanks for the book suggestion, too. (:
Thank you for sharing this Courtney! I truly believe in the body’s ability to heal itself. I denied chemo & only did 5 weeks of radiation but juiced tons of carrots, ginger and celery and was completely healed by the glory of God. (was diagnosed with cervical cancer a year & half ago) Even the doctor couldn’t believe the results. They did several CT scans to confirm that. During the process my skin did turn a little yellowish/ orange and they kept telling me that they thought something was wrong with my liver but told them it was the carrots that I was juicing… they even ran tests but everything kept showing up normal. I think I would also like to share my testimony since I believe in the power of natural foods (especially Carrots!!!). Ann Cameron – children’s author was very supportive of my juicing carrots she encouraged me to keep juicing them then sent me her book “Healing with Carrots” so I could read it (purchased on Amazon for only $5) . She healed her stage 4 cancer with simply carrots… stories like hers and yours really give other cancer patients the ability to take hold of their health and heal naturally. Thanks for everything! 🙂
I would kindly like to ask if, after screening live, this film will be available to download either for free or after payment. Thank you in advance for your answer. Kimon
Hi Kimon, YES- after the initial showing, which is FREE, it will be for sale for both download or hard copy.
I would kindly like to ask if, after screening live, this film will be available to download either for free or after payment. Thank you in advance for your answer.
Cort, that is really exciting. I will be sharing this with many friends. Congrats on another exciting project! Love you!