We are adjusting back to normal life this week. The Truth About Cancer: LIVE event was as expected, AWESOME.
(Streaming NOW through Sunday, October 15th online for FREE .)
If I were to sum it up, it was different than last year in that I met so many other people with similar healing stories as mine. I talked to Chris Wark about this while I was there and he agreed- stories like ours (cancer healed with no chemo or radiation) are becoming much more common!
We met so many and several with Stage 4 cancers with multiple metastases that have completely healed with non-toxic therapies. All ages too, young and old.
I hope this encourages you tremendously. People are choosing natural therapies and healing!
I spoke to over 100 people on behalf of HealingStrong and get the feeling we are going to be adding 20-25+ new natural healing support groups before the year is over. Maybe more.
It’s awesome to be a part of this “movement”…
Here are a few pics from the event. 🙂
The Truth About Cancer LIVE: In Pictures

Walking in on the first day: Grande Lakes Marriott, Orlando.

Dr. Patrick Quillin is one of the most dynamics speakers and takes a complex topic (nutrition for cancer) and explains it so simply.

Patrick Quillin on the various options for an anti-cancer diet.

Sing-along with Patrick Quillin

Cancer survivors from Hope4Cancer Institute with Dr. Tony Jimenez. www.IAmHopeForCancer.com

Goofing off at the Black Tie Event with my husband Kevin and Chris Wark.

Del Bigtree said everything I could ever say about health freedom in our country. This is the expert panel Q&A.

Kevin and me with G. Edward Griffin

Chris Wark closing out the event.

Full panel of speakers at the end of the event.