I was interviewed and filmed for this video over a year ago, but throughout the craziness of my 2nd daughter’s first year I completely forgot about it!
It’s pretty neat to look back and watch it. I was 34 weeks pregnant and had just finished a week of teaching 4th graders. I forgot how tired I was (and looked.)
In it I talk about my Stage 2 NLP Hodgkin’s lymphoma diagnosis, the reasoning behind my decision to pursue a natural cancer therapy, and about the difficulties of changing from a SAD, processed foods diet to a mostly raw vegan, green, and sugarless cancer fighting diet.
I really admire Lisa Robbins, the founder of Incredible Healing Journals who put this together. She documents holistic cancer survivors and their healing journeys on video, and organizes them by cancer type so you can find them easily on her website, IncredibleHealingJournals.com.